Chapter 38: Epiphany (preview)

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Darlings, I'm sorry for being a crappy writer and taking incredibly long to update my stories. Here's a preview of chapter 38.

Thank you all for being soooo patient and thanks for all the love and support :)

Also shout out to @prayer109 and @tiegan-chloe for being ballsy enough to direct message me to update this story Bahahahahahah :) and also I applaud all of you who commented to update cause it's all of YOU who made me motivated enough to continue writing even though it took hundreds of years for me to do so.

Thankfully, I finally arrived at my destination, the Salvatore boarding house; this was the only place I could go to. Despite me knowing that there would constantly be people around the house, and them trying to get into my business, I knew this was the only safe place I could be at the moment. Not caring who was in the house, I barged in while carrying Lexa, instantly Damon appeared in front of him, his usually "I don't care" smirk faltered when he saw the state I was in, especially since I was carrying Lexa, and the two luggage's behind us.

"What happened?" He asked, ignoring him, I walked into the house.
"Klaus slept with Hayley, I'm staying here now, can you bring the bags to my room?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.
"What makes you think I'll let you stay here?" Damon asked confused.
"I'm in distress, I have Alexandria to think about, I'm very powerful, and if you kick us out I could do something very impulsive that could make things worse for your little gang," I explained, shutting him up pretty quick.

That night I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was killing Hayley and making Klaus suffer. The only thing that made me forget about them was when Lexa would cry, taking care of her made me feel better, but the dreadful feeling I have is still maintained.

Quietly, I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen while carrying Alexandria, making sure I didn't make my prescience known to the Salvatore brothers, even though they both knew I was here. After feeding Alexandria from her bottle, I made myself breakfast which consisted of eggs and bacon while Lexa sat safely on her baby chair. Finally, I cleaned the mess I've made and went to the parlour after eating my breakfast. Once seated, I scrolled through my phone and rolled my eyes when I found multiple text messages and voice messages from Klaus. Unexpectedly, Stefan walked into the room; looking at him confused I stood up while carrying Lexa and walked over to him.
"I thought you and Damon were going to go find Elena," I said.
"I decided to let Damon handle it, I thought I could keep you company," smiling adoringly he looked at Lexa.
"May I?" Stefan asked indicating towards the one-month-old baby.
"Sure," confused I handed him Alexandria.
"How's everything with Klaus?"
"We're not on speaking terms, that idiot slept with Hayley so I refuse to be around him, and I'm most definitely not allowing Lexa near him. We all know if it ends up in a custody battle I would win," I joked trying to lighten up the mood causing Stefan to lightly chuckle.

"You deserve better," Stefan said as he caressed Lexa's cheek.

"I know I do, he hurt me so badly, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him, but I need to try, not for me, but for Lexa. She deserves to have a family," I explained.

"You're her family," Stefan said.

"And so is Klaus, and Rebekah, and Elijah, and Kol, I can't take them away from her, that would be horrible of me," I said.

"You're so kind Rosalia," Stefan whispered as he stepped closer to me before cupping my right cheek.

"Silas?" I whispered.

"Yes, child, it's me."

"Why are you here? What do you want with the cure?" I asked curiously.

"Obviously, when I was woken up I wanted to see my daughter and grandchild. For two thousand years I've made my mind up, what I wanted to do once I wake up. But now, now you are here, and so is Lexa, I might have to change my plans," he explained.

"Will you hurt us?" I whispered.

"I will never hurt you or Lexa, however the same can't be said about your friends, if they choose to stand out of my way then I will let them live, however is they challenge me, then I can't promise you anything," Silas said.

"Can you try?" I asked.

"Only for you, now I must leave, Stefan is actually with Damon, and I can't have people knowing my true form," he explained before handing me Lexa and kissing both our forehead.

"Be happy and safe, and I love the both of you, so much," he said and then turned around to leave.

As I sat on the couch I laid Lexa on the space next to me, then I used my phone.

"Yet each man kills the thing he loves
  By each let this be heard
  Some do it with a bitter look
  The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword
- Oscar Wilde," I read aloud.

"So I'm a coward now?" Klaus asked as he walked into the Salvatore house and towards me.

"I realised now that you've always been a coward."

" Confucius once said, it's more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them," Klaus said, now in front of me.

"But here's the thing Klaus, you didn't just deceive me, you betrayed me."

"It was a mistake," he whispered.

"William Blake once said, It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend," I read the quote from my phone.

"I'm sorry."

"Shattered legs may heal in time, but some betrayals fester and poison the soul, at least I know that George R.R Martin understands," I joked.

"Enough with the quotes love. I've told you already that it was a mistake and that I'm sorry, what more do you want?" He screamed.

"By the hands of my love, he did not touch me, no, he touched another, and that truly broke me," I whispered.

"And who's that from?" Klaus asked annoyed.

"Me, you dick. And what I want is for you is to leave, I don't want you here," I snapped.

"So you are now keeping Lexa from me?" Klaus angrily hissed.

"No, because unlike you I actually care about others, I don't just pretend. So I will allow you and your family to visit Lexa, because I do believe she deserves to know her father, even if he is a psychopath, however I will not go back to you, now leave," I said.

"I need to see Stefan," he said.

"Well, I don't know where he is, so leave," giving up, Klaus left, but not before he kissed Alexandria on the forehead, "one day you will forgive me love, and you will realise that I'm the love of your life I promise you that," with that he was gone.

"Baby, I'm sorry that he's your dad," I mumbled as I looked at Lexa's innocent doe eyes.

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