Chapter 33 Rosalia

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Hi! Sorry for taking forever to update. I have a few ideas of who could be Clarissa. The pictures above are some ideas. The first is Elizabeth Olsen, second is Ana De Armas and third is Emilia Clarke. Please leave a comment on who you think should be Clarissa. Thanks!!!

"My darling Rosalia when you are born I shall give you roses on your birthday. For you will be born on the coldest day of winter. Roses are strong flowers they will survive the cold dark nights and if they don't, they will simply wither but once the spring sun touches their withered leaves and roots they will come back to life, once again possessing their magnificent beauty. You my darling Rosalia will be a winter rose, always beautiful." Silas whispered to the growing baby bump.
"Silas I already told you, she will not be named Rosalia. Roses aren't always beautiful, they have thrones, touching one without a care would result in pricks of blood oozing down your finger." Qetsiyah said.
"Then she will be beautiful and dangerous! No one will dare challenge her!" Silas said.
"Carmella, Catalina or even Clarissa. They are beautiful names." She said.
"There is no significant meaning that those name posses that would be able to represent our daughter. The garden of God, bright, pure. Does not make sense! She will be born on winter not summer or spring!" Silas said.

Gasping I woke up. Rosalia he wanted to name me that. I was suppose to be born on winter. Sitting up on the bed I noticed a bouquet of flowers on the night stand. Picking it up I read the note attached to it.
For 18 years of life that I have missed.
I will see you soon my beautiful Rosalia.

Gasping I let go of the pure white roses. How did he get it here? Getting up I made my way to the kitchen where Rebekah is sucking on blood.
"Morning Bekah." I said looking though the fridge.
"Morning Rosa." Rebekah said causing me to freeze and look at her shocked.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Morning Clary. Are you alright? You look a little pail, want me to call Klaus?" She asked.
"No, no I'm fine. Just tired." I said getting a glass of orange juice.
"Alright. He called he wants you back at the mansion." Rebekah said.
"I'll only go once he apologizes to me and Jeremy." I said the spread Nutella over my slice of toast.
"Are you going to school tomorrow?" She asked.
"No I'm just going to stay in. My bump is showing a little." I smiled looking down at my growing baby bump that is clearly visible because of the tight pink tang top. Smiling excitedly Rebekah placed her palms over it.
"I'm going to be and aunt!" She yelled excitedly causing me to laugh.
"And I a dad." Klaus's voice made me frown and Rebekah runs off leaving me with him. Traitor.
"You're coming with me love." Klaus said.
"No, I'm not." I said.
"Don't test me Clarissa!" His voice boomed.
"No! Don't test me. I've had it with you, acting loving one minute then murderous the other. You need to leave, I need space you can't expect me to forgive you that easily." I said.
"I just want you save love, both of you." His eyes trailed to the bump.
"We will be, but for now I need you to go, please." I whispered and he left.

After showering and changing into black leggings with leather on the side, white loose tang top and brown ankle boots I drove to the Grill. When I went inside there was only Matt, Jeremy and April.
"Where did Jer go?" I asked after taking a bite of my chocolate chip pancakes.
"At the back." Matt said then started talking to April.
Suddenly Jeremy walked in with Connor behind him. Connor had a knife near Jeremy's throat causing me to stand up and gasp. Matt stood in front of April and I, trying to protect us.
"Sit down.Sit down!" We all sat down.
"Gilbert, give me your cell phone." Connor said.
"Look, at least let April go.
She doesn't have anything to do with this." Jeremy said.
"She has everything to do with this.
Her and her father.Plus, she and I have history." Connor said.
"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life!" April said confused.
"You kids need to get some vervain.
And don't just wear it as a bracelet where anybody can just take it off.
Maybe then you'd remember our conversation at the hybrid's yesterday." Connor started to use Jeremy's phone.
"Our conversation? Are you saying someone compelled me?!" Jeremy asked confused then turned to me.
"Unreliable, that idiot compelled you to forget." I said, my stomach then grumbled. Signing I started to eat my pancakes again.
"Why are you here Clarissa." Connor asked.
"Breakfast, I was to lazy to cook." I said.
"Maybe I should kill you, hurting you will hurt the hybrid." He said.
Standing up I walked over to him. He looked shocked when he saw the bump and moved away when I came closer. But I gripped his are and whispered in his ear.
"You kill me then both Silas and Qetsiyah will kill you."
"How do you know them?" He asked shocked and moved away a little.
"My mother created your kind." I said.
He pulled me in front of him then dragged me to the back. He did something unexpected he pulled my tang top slightly above my hip.
"Impossible." He said looking at my birthmark.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. A man, he was like me, he told me if I found you I must say a message. Your mother she is coming, she's almost here. And there's another one, it's a wired one no hunter ever understood it, Rosalia when the flower creates a seedling she will gain more strength, her seedling will be protected by the gods above. And remember the Rose can survive the coldest winter day." Connor said.
"Oh my god." I said clutching my stomach.
"You can go, if you die because of me I can't imagine the punishment I will go through. But your friends they stay." He said walking away. As much as I should stay I just can't handle the drama. I took a take out box and made my way towards the table where the others sat.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Jeremy asked.
"No." I said while putting my pancakes in the box and started to leave.
"Where are you going?" Matt asked.
"Sorry guys but if you didn't know already I'm pregnant and stress mixed with exhaustion isn't good. So I'm leaving." I said.

Once I reached Rebekah's house I shouted for her but she's no where.
"It's Rebekah, if you're anyone other than Clary or April don't leave a message." Rebekah's voice mail said.
"Bekah this is the 20th voice mail I have sent. Where are you?" I asked worried.
After a battle with my sub conscious I tried to call Klaus but that bastard wouldn't pick up the phone. Then I went to his mansion but no one was there so I went to the Lockwood mansion. Without knocking I went on and saw a hybrid, a brunette, Caroline and Tyler. Ty was on the phone while Caroline looked worried.
"Niklaus." He said. That made me stomp over there and waited for Tyler to finish his 'you don't control me speech' but it clearly failed. So before klaus hung up I snatched it.
"Niklaus Mikaleson you sadistic fool! Where did you put Rebekah! Answer me!" I screamed when he didn't answer.
"Clary love, stop screaming. Go home, relax." He said.
"Don't you dare hang up on me! You will be in a world of hell." I said.
"Clearly the pregnancy hormones has effected you. Very well love what do you want?" He asked.
"Rebekah, where is she?" I asked.
"She is daggered, don't worry she's somewhere safe." He said with humor laced in his voice.
"I swear Klaus when you come back I will hang you up like a punching bag and beat you until your bloody and begging me to stop!" I hissed.
"Kinky, I like it." He laughed.
"You imbecile, where are you anyway?" I asked.
"Italy." He said.
"What! You didn't bring me there!" I shouted.
"I tried but you didn't want to come."
"When you get back and after I forgive you, you better bring me there." I said.
"I'll make sure you see all edges of the world love." He said.
"I need to go now Clary, I love you." He said waiting for me to say it back.
"You know I love you too." I hanged up and looked at their shocked faces.
"What?" I asked confused then gave the phone back to Tyler.
"I can see us being great friends, you're a spitfire, I like it. I'm Hayley by the way." The brunette said.
"Clarissa, Clary for short." I said.
"Now, someone mind telling me what's going on?" I asked. The hybrid left and they explained.
"So you whored around with Hayley while Caroline has been worried about you?" I asked and Tyler just glared.
"Well you only live once right? Better make it worth wild, so I'm going to go before you snap my neck. I'm exhausted." I stood up.

Because Rebekah is daggered I decided to move back to Klaus's mansion. After changing into one of Klaus's T-shirts that fell above my knees I put on black underwear then crawled on to bed. Today was absolutely eventful.
Before I completely fell asleep I felt a warm hand caress my head and familiar lips kiss my cheek.
"I'm sorry love."

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