Chapter 13 Magic

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At the car I turned on the radio and played loud music, Bonnie looks at me like I'm crazy causing me to laugh.
"Damon is following us, he'll be able to hear. so when we arrive at the training place I'll put a barrier so no one can enter or hear us." I say.
Soon we arrive at the woods.
"From here we need to walk for about 25 minutes." I say.
When we reach the cottage I put a barrier around the area and made the cottage invisible.
"Alright Bonnie what do you want to learn first?" I ask.
"I'm not so sure," she says embarrassed.
"That's ok, why don't we learn something very difficult yet very useful, I'll teach you to control the for elements." I say.
"Fire." then a ball of fire appeared on my hand.
"If you master the elements you can even enhance it, like turn fire into lightning." A loud thunder boomed and lightning appeared on my hands.
"That's... Thats amazing." She says amazed.
"Water." A ball of water came to my hands and I used my magic to make it look like a dolphin and dance it round Bonnie, causing her to laugh.
"This is so awesome, will I be able to do that today or will it take time?" She ask while poking the water dolphin.
"It will probably take a while for you to do this." I say.
"Earth." I pointed my hands to the ground and a beautiful white flower grew in a fast rate, causing Bonnie to gasp.
"Plants are apart of the earth so you can do this, along with making earthquakes, sink holes and contorting rocks or mud." I explained.
"Air." a gust of wind appeared and blew our hair to our sides, the wind became stronger that it carried leaves with it.
"You can decide which you want to learn first, fire, water, earth, or air." I say.
"I want to learn fire first." she said.
"Very well. Fire isn't hard to do, I know you can make fire appear in candles, but the hard part is to make it appear on you hand with out burning you." I went to a tree and used the air to cut and X into it.
"Aim for a fire to appear on that X." I say pointing to the tree.
"Alright." Bonnie concentrated and suddenly a small flame appeared.
"That's very good Bonnie with practice you can make it bigger or smaller, now I want you to make the fire disappear." and she did.
"Now picture the fire on you're hands, picture it as a part of you." I say.
After a few minutes a small spark appeared ok Bonnie's hand.
"I did it! It doesn't hurt!" She yelled excitedly.
"I think that's enough for today, you can practice at home to make it bigger or smaller. And if you need help with any magic problems you can ask me for help. We should get going." and with that we left to got to the grill.

"Clarissa thank you so much! With your help I'll defiantly improve. People are wrong about you, you are nice maybe even nicer then Elena." when she said that I laugh.
"Bonnie if Elena heard that she'll go crazy." I say.
"Yes I will! Bonnie what's wrong with you! She's Klaus's mate, they probably drug you to be friend with her! Or ask a witch to hypnotize you or something! Bonnie Clarissa is the bad one here not me!" Elena yelled.
"No elena you're wrong! She was helping me with a problem unlike you she cares about my wellbeing! Everyone I love dies because of you and your selfish obsession with the Salvatores! My grams die! My mother is a vampire because of Damon you're boy toy! Jeremy died, but luckily I brought him back! And because of that my Grams suffer! Everything is for you Elena! Why everyone thinks Clarissa is the bad guy is amazing! Because now I'll rather be on her side then yours! And I hope people will see the really you like I did!" She yelled. unexpectedly Elena slapped Bonnie, causing Caroline and Stephan that was behind her to gasp.
"Oh my god Bonnie I'm so sorry." Elena says.
"No you're not! Stop lying to them Elena! Caroline please listen to me! Give Clarissa a chance, what has she ever done to you that made you hate her?" Bonnie ask.
"You're right Bonnie, she didn't do anything to me, Elena just always told us about the horrible things she did, there might be a chance that Elena was lying, so okay I'll give Clarissa a chance." Caroline says.
"Caroline thank you." I say.
"You! This is all your fault! My friends are against me because someone as pathetic as you manipulated them!" Elena says then slap me twice in both my cheeks causing a tear to spill.
"What is wrong with you!" Caroline yelled then ran over to me to check my bruise.
"Oh my god Clarissa she made you bleed!" Bonnie yelled.
"Elena why are you being like this?" Stephan says.
"All of you just shut up! And go back to hating Clarissa and loving me!" Elena yelled.
"Not anymore! You are a horrible person!" Bonnie says.
"Come on, let's go to my house." Caroline says.
"Bye twin." I say in a mocking tone.

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