Interspecies Romance: Male Human OC X Female Luxray

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A/N: Uhh. I don't really know what to say except school has been kicking my ass 6 ways to Sunday and learning to do adult things with Cerebral Palsy is certainly an ordeal. I've gone through a whole 2 school years and a surgery since I uploaded, and countless other things I can't remember. Here's this, posting this here for more views, hope you enjoy it. I have posted this on my SoFurry as well, go see me there at Also, I do commissions now at, although I haven't been able to get anything paid yet, yikes. Pssh, as if all 12 of you who are over the age of 16 want to buy anything from me, lmao. Anyways, I'm back (for good?) and ready to start posting stuff again at a semi-kinda-quasi-but-not-really frequent pace. Long Live the Alpaca!

A commentary of the most memorable day of my life, because my therapist wants me to do so for some sort of exercise to document my thought processes and recognize my flaws. Don't ask me how I remember so well. It's uh, kinda embarrassing. Mom, Dad, if you're reading this, DON'T. Otherwise, I warned ya.

Date: 6/4/4811

"Are ya really sure about this, Jay? 'A day of quiet for me and Brittany', Arceus! I mean, most kids your age are askin' for money or games or game systems, or somethin' on their birthday-"


"Birthday-versary. Do ya really-"

"Yup. Daddy, mother dearest, see ya later, don't worry 'bout meals, I got sausage biscuits in the oven now, I'll order a pizza for lunch, extra don't worry, I've got your info written down so don't bother checking in, I know how to make spaghetti and everything else should be fine, okay buh-bye!"

Dad hugged me tightly.

"We'll see you on Monday, big man. 18 is a lotta years to live. You've made it so far, don't kill yourself-."

"I'm not gonna-"

"Burning down the house, buddy! You're gonna be off playing your vidja games or watching videos on TuberDex and that spaghetti's gonna be blacker than a Coalossal doing plays at a 20's Alabama theater!"

Cue the obligatory series of "Eyy!"s and finger guns that followed afterward.

"I love ya, my big, strong boy. I'm so proud of you."

"Love you, Dad."

Mom snuck up behind me and surprised me with a second hug.

"I love you, honey."

"Love you, Mom."

As they left, I heard them muffedly mutter something vaguely resembling a criticism of my admittedly rash decision.

Perhaps something about how their little boy has grown up and how they thought I was a "mama's boy" that couldn't bear to be without a caretaker or an admission of deep confusion on why in the world I would miss a day's worth of laughter, of lavished affection and congratulations, presents and money. Or maybe I'm just projecting, who knows?

But what was certain was that they drove off in their messy, beat up car we all loved so much. That, and that I was all by myself.

Not for long, however, for as I hastily shut and locked the door, I was all too eager to turn and see a special someone who was extra happy I was alone, so that she could fill the emptiness and quiet with her undying, endless love and grace.

"'Kay, Brit, they're gone."


A Luxray sauntered in from my room, eyes bright and pretty with excitement and wonder with a flickering, star-ended tail happily swishing back and forth. My Brittany. The apple of my eye.

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