little too much

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You'd had way too much to drink. You were slumped against the wall in the bathroom in the basement, Sasha sitting with you as Mikasa returned with a water glass. You felt the bile rising in your throat and-

"Oh, there she goes again," Sasha grimaced as she pulled your hair back, rubbing your back and grabbing toilet paper, wiping the tears away and cleaning up your mouth.

You were in so much pain. How did you get to this point? Everything was blurry and your head was pounding. It felt like somebody had just ripped your guts out.

"N...Never let mmmmee drriink thatt mmmm...much again!" You hollered and slid to the floor into a fetal position, groaning.

"Drink this," Mikasa urged and helped you sit back up, tilting the cup to help you drink the water.

"Why wasn't anyone watching her drinks?" Mikasa murmured and Sasha whispered back, "This is her first time going this far. She didn't know her limit and didn't tell us she'd be drinking this much...I think something happened with Connie."

"NOTHING HAPPENED WITH CONNIE!" You cried out and started sobbing uncontrollably. You didn't want to cry, you didn't even know why you were crying. And now you just wanted to stop crying but that was making you cry more.

"Okay, okay," Sasha soothed and laid your head down onto her lap. "Mikasa, can you get me some pillows and blankets? I have a feeling we'll be here for a while....also, tell Niccolo he can go home, we'll get a ride tomorrow."

Mikasa nodded her head and left the room, leaving you alone with Sasha. She stroked your head, comforting you as you dealt with the pain you brought upon yourself. The door opened again and Mikasa entered with blankets and pillows, placing them on the floor and setting up makeshift beds. It wasn't ideal but there was no way they were moving you any time soon.

"Eren needs me upstairs to help clean up dishes. Do you want anyone else in here?" Mikasa asked before leaving and you shook your head no, grabbing the pillow near you and cuddling with it. Mikasa smiled slightly at that and left, shutting the bathroom door with a click.

For a second you and Sasha were alone when Niccolo entered. He peeked his head through the door and Sasha motioned for him to come in. After what seemed like non-verbal arguing, Sasha got up, reassuring you she'd be back.

"I'll send someone in for company," she told you just before closing the door, not wanting you to be alonw in this state. You groaned, wondering who would see you next and how embarrassing this was.

"Hey..." Your droopy eyes shifted up to see Connie walking in. Jesus Christ, couldn't she have grabbed anyone else?

"No, get ouuuuuuut," you mumbled and Connie rolled his eyes at you, sitting on the ground next to your immobile body.

"Be nice, Sasha will be back," he scolded and smiled down at you, but you frowned in reply, hitting his leg and trying to push him away.

"No boys! Only girls! You *hic* you are boy!" You grumbled and smacked his leg again, giggling as you did so and hit him again, starting to make a game out of it.

"Ow! Stop that," and he grabbed your wrist, keeping you from hitting him any longer.

"Don't tell mmmmme what..." you paused, thinking.

"...WHAT TO DO!" You screamed and Connie shushed you, looking back at the door and then to you, putting a finger to his lips, signaling you to quiet down.

"Y/N, people are sleeping out there, you need to be quiet."

"Why? Freedom of speech, bitch!"

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