snowed in

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The small flakes that had been falling before had turned bigger, swirling around in the air as the breeze made them dance wildly, the ground beginning to disappear into a wondrous white.

You were staring out the large window behind the couch in Jean, Connie, and Marco's apartment. Sasha was on the floor playing war with Niccolo, the cards slapping as Sasha let out squeals of victory.

For some reason, the weather started to take a turn, and a blizzard warning was broadcasted across the town. You had all been at the boys' place for the day and the roads were already getting slick, so they offered for you, Sasha, and Niccolo to stay there for the night.

"Hey Niccolo, when will your famous hot chocolate be done?" Connie was standing in the kitchen, munching on an apple as he went to lift the lid.

You'd never seen Niccolo move so fast as he yelled, "Don't you dare touch that lid!" running over to Connie and guarding the pot, his eyes slits.

Connie stopped mid-chew and backed off, Sasha snickering in the background as you turned your attention back to the window. It was starting to get dark out, the sun setting in the horizon behind a wall of buildings.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Marco flopped down beside you and waggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and didn't give him the satisfaction of any new information about you and Connie. Marco had left the house party at Eren's early and missed out on your exotic drunken state, something he kept pestering you about.

"We should go outside," you suggested and Marco let out a single HA as he gaped at you, his hand gesturing to the window.

"I know you've never seen snow and that this is all exciting, but trust me, you'd get over it pretty fast," Marco replied and you waved his comment off, just wanting to stand outside in the wind and breathe the fresh air— to feel your lungs ache from the blistery weather.

"We can go out tomorrow," Marco promised before getting up to help Jean with the thermostat, his swearing getting louder by the second.

You also got up, stretching your arms after sitting for so long and heading over to the barrier that stood between the living room and the kitchen. The kitchen was a nook, with a half of a wall dividing it from the living room so you could still see people. There was an opening to the left of you, but it was narrow, not the easiest thing when multiple were walking in and out.

You placed your arms on the ledge and watched Niccolo as he started to prepare dinner, filling the big black pot with water.

"Hey, Y/N, can you grab my red sweatshirt on the bed in my room? It's the second room to the left, the one right next to the bathroom," Connie looked at you as he was pulling things from the cupboard with his one good hand.

"Why me?"

"You're the closest to the hallway, duh," Connie mocked in your voice and you frowned at him but went to his room anyway.

You opened the door and looked around. It wasn't clean but it wasn't messy. His bed wasn't made, the sheets cowboy themed, something you weren't surprised about. It was endearing, but not attractive. You grabbed the red sweatshirt off of his bed when you noticed a picture frame on his headboard.

Connie's family.

You knew you shouldn't investigate, but you had been wondering what had happened to Connie's family ever since the day at the café, where Mikasa hinted that he was all alone. You looked behind you and then at the picture again, stepping towards it and reaching out to pick up the frame, but you stopped.

It was dusty, probably had been a long time since it was last touched. The frame was hazy—dirty, the family almost gone from view. You saw a man and a woman standing and smiling as they hugged each other, a little boy on Connie's shoulders as a little girl stood out in front of him with her arms extended outwards, a big smile on her face. Connie was young here, his face light and happy, the look of innocence before the trauma he went through. You could see it in his eyes, the way he smiled. There was always pain behind it.

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