26 | disrespect

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"You are not only my best option. You are my only option."


26 | disrespect


The drive to Alpha Malcolm's pack was a long one. We left at 6 in the morning and reached at about 5 in the evening, after having taken a total of 1 lunch break. 

At the border of his pack, he had mounted 4 guards who'd escort us to the pack house. The thing is, pack houses are not the easiest to find if you're an outsider. If someone who's never been there tries to go there alone, they'll get lost in the way for sure— and that's because most of them are protected by bewitched spells, which make pack houses a safe place for children at times of Rogue Attacks. 

They showed us their identity cards and we matched their faces with the ones Malcolm had sent us for security, followed by which one of them took the driver seat of each car we had and took us to our destination. 

"Good evening, Alpha, I hope you had a comfortable ride to The Wolfsroedel pack." Said a lady, who I'd presume to be Alpha Malcolm's secretary, as she greeted us at the entrance of his pack house.

"Good evening." I replied, politely. 

"Alpha Malcolm wanted to greet you personally but he unfortunately had to attend an urgent meeting," she continued. 

I smirked internally, this is something the Alphas always say. An Alpha only greets the other when the other is at a position higher than them. Alpha Malcolm did this to make it clear that he's at an upper hand in this deal.  

"It's no problem," I replied back, giving a small smile.  


"Alpha Malcolm doesn't believe in the concept of having a traditional pack house where all the high ranks live together. He believes that privacy of every family should be respected and so even the families with higher ranks don't live in Alpha Malcolm's house. They live in smaller mansions near here." The secretary explained to me, as she maneuvered me across his mansion. 

"This mansion is divided into 4 wings— named behind the 4 elements of life- Terra, Aqua, Ignis and Caeli. The Ignis wing belongs to the Alpha and is heavily protected, I won't be able to give you a tour of that wing. No one except for the Alpha, The Beta, The Gamma and their closest associates are allowed there. Terra, as it means earth in Latin, is the wing where most of the day-to-day activities are supposed to be done— like it has the kitchen, a smaller library—" 

"Smaller?" I asked. 

"Yes, Alpha. We have the largest library out of all the Alphas of North America, but it is located in the Ignis Wing." 

She continued,"Caeli means air, so the Caeli wing has no ceiling and is really beautifully made with intricate carvings on the walls, a fountain, flowers— so much so, it truly looks like heaven on earth." 

My eyebrows lifted a little in surprise. An open area in the Alpha's House is a matter of concern as it can be risky. 

I wanted to ask about it, but I didn't. It won't look proper for me to scrutinize and speak without thinking twice. I am sure, however, that wing won't always have been there. Maybe his former mate got it made during renovation. 

"And lastly, the Aqua Wing, Alpha." She said, proudly, standing in front of the last wing of the huge mansion. "Aqua represents water. Which means to flow. Dynamic people, who come and go, like guests, are supposed to stay in this wing. Your room and all of our guest's rooms are in here." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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