Oreo cookies, anyone?

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"Psst! Hey!" Tristan whispered from the bottom bunk as Lavender looked down.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if you were awake" he replied.

"Well. Might as well get snacks while I'm up" she said as she stretched her arms.

"Oreos?" He asked as Lavender nodded.

Lavender climbed down the bunk bed and walked to the kitchen.

All was fine and dandy until Tristan heard a loud thud from downstairs.

He rushed down to see Lavender at the bottom of the staircase with a bowl of now spilt Oreo cookies.

"Ow" she said as she got up.

"You k?! You got a concussion?! You wanna share Oreos?!" He asked while helping her up.

"Yes, no and yes" she replied before cleaning and throwing out the ruined Oreos.

So the 2 sat down and had Oreos dipped in milk.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about this" Tristan said as he ate the last Oreo.

"Why me? Shouldn't you ask Alicica or something?" Lavender asked.

"You're the only person I've felt comfortable telling my secrets about willingly" he said Luna jumped on the table, another paper in her mouth.

"I see. Well, what is it?" She asked.

Luna gave the paper to Tristan who then gave it to Lavender.

"It's a blueprint. My friend made it, she made sure to make it detailed" he said as she read the blueprint.

"This looks... complicated to say the least. Would probably take 2 weeks minimum to build" Lavender said before folding the paper and putting it in the pocket on her belt thing idk.

"So you'll build it?" He asked as Lavender nodded.

"We should really be going back up. It's still early" she said as she stood up.

The 2 headed back up and just slept idk.

Lavender woke up the next morning. She got up, showered and changed her clothes. And by changed her clothes I mean she wore an identical copy of the plague suit she already had.

She walked downstairs and unfolded the blueprints.

She sighed and went to look for the materials.

Conveniently, she found some thin sheets(?) of metal and stole a button from a broken air conditioner remote, she also stole the antenna of a broken toy car.

"Alright... let's see..." she said to herself as she pulled out the blueprint.

And 3 hours later she passed out and gave up for a day.

"Hey Lavi" Tristan said "wanna chat?"

"Sure, don't see why not" Lavender replied before both of them sat down.

"So, how about you start this time?" Tristan asked as Lavender thought of something.

"How about when we talked in my dream? How did that even work?" She asked.

"Honestly, you'd want to ask my mum bout that" Tristan replied. "I mean, she's not my biological mum but it's as close as I'll get"

"Interesting, what is she like?" Lavender asked.

"Very caring, wonderful children, loved her" Tristan said as he leaned back.

"Did anything happen to her?" Lavender asked.

"Surprisingly, no. She's doing quite well, I'd say" Tristan answered as tapped his fingers on the table.

"Does she have any other children?" Lavender asked.

"Oh yes, 3 actually. Quite the lovable bunch. 2 boys and girl" he responded "how about you tell me about your family?"

"Oh well, to start things off, my father was very good at being.... non-existent" Lavender said.

"Ah, i see" Tristan said.

"Died to the plague. What drove me to be a doctor" she explained "needless to say, in my times, things got a little out of hand"

"How unfortunate, what went wrong?" He asked.

"My native town overreacted over a female doctor so I needed to move to somewhere else to avoid being burned alive" Lavender explained "Luckily, another country just up north happened to need all the help they could get. And I settled in"

"Yeesh, sometimes I forget how things were back then" Tristan commented.

"Anyways, I met 2 lads, we made quite the team. Shade was quite tall, a bit eerie but lovable once you get to know him. Enki was a quick learner, now that I think of it, I believe he was actually a child." Lavender said.

"Mhm, seems like you 3 got along just fine" Tristan commented.

"Yes, but..." she paused. "Now it's been over a century or two. Heh, what do I even say?" Lavender said as Tristan went up the fridge.

"Eat a snickers, Bro. I don't like all that angst" Tristan said as he gave her a snickers bar.

"Heh, sure" Lavender responded before taking off her mask.

"So, pick this back up tomorrow, yeah?" Tristan asked.

"Sure, Betty just wants to post this chapter anyways" Lavender answered.

"I'm not gonna even question that"

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