Incorrect Quotes #1

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Because rather than explaining the characters in detail, I shall do incorrect quotes.

Tristan: let's see if we can sync out thoughts

Lavender: okay... 1.. 2... 3...

Tristan: I wish I could see O-054 again!

Lavender: Afghanistan!

Tristan: okay that is slightly concerning
Tristan: when wearing all black and someone asks who's funeral it is, looking around the room and saying 'I can't decide yet' is generally the best option

Becky: I'm here to sacrifice this ferret to god

Lavender: ma'am I am a DOCTOR, I practice REAL medical care!
Tristan: we need a distraction...

Akasuki: I got it!

Akasuki approaching ACF cadets: centaurs have 6 legs and are therefore insects, discuss.

Cadets: [immediately start arguing]

Lavender: oh I don't like this. I don't like this at all

C1F3: and there goes another reason I should have access to the memory gun

Akasuki: no I do not have minecraft
Akasuki: What's with sandwiches and hotdogs?

Lavender: look, hotdogs are just sandwiches, a sandwich is a roll or filling between 2 slices of bread

Tristan: look, hotdogs are just their own thing, their own category, I didn't come here for a headache

C1F3: but hotdogs are between a bun, a singular piece of bread
Lavender: so I found this book

Tristan: mhm

Lavender: it's about all the things you cannot do at the A.O.H.C

Tristan: makes sense

Lavender: theres 50 pages total

Tristan: so?

Lavender: the font is tiny

Tristan: okay yeah that makes sense


C1F3: the Phoenix Council decided that Tristan escaped too many times

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