Lavender finds something beautiful

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"Ayo, Lavi where y'a at?" Tristan yelled.

"Mhm?" Lavender responded sleepily from the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth.

"Holy sh- did you even get enough sleep?!" Tristan asked.

"Sleep is for the weak, I was workin the machine" Lavender answered as she finished cleaning her toothbrush.

  "Speaking of which, how's progress on it?" Tristan asked.

"Almost complete, just needs a bit more tweeting and it'll work, I'm guessing" she responded as she walked to the kitchen.

The went to the pantry and grappled a bowl of Oreo cereal and poured it into a bowl and sat down.

"Okay, now here me out, this tastes just as good without the milk" Lavender said before Tristan could ask any questions.

"Anyways, how's the whole 'I need to feed on people's lives' thing going?" She asked.

"Eh, mostly taking it from insects and some unwanted weeds in the garden, if I'm gonna take a life I might as help" he answered.

"Y'know, there's no such thing as a weed" Lavender commented.

"Pardon?" Tristan asked.

"They're simply just flowers that are in the wrong place" Lavender responded as she popped another cereal in her mouth.

"I can't tell if that's a philosophical quote or gardening advice" Tristan commented.

"Both, both is good" Lavender added.

The 2 remained silent for a moment before Tristan asked "so you work on the machine together?"

"Duh, more help equals faster" Lavender responded.

They walked to attic, where Lavender had been working on it. It was still filled with boxes but noticeably less dusty.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" Lavender said.

But first they put on a cartoon so they wouldn't get bored.

"Which one? Just pick a cartoon already" Tristan said.

"K, k, I found this. It's from like the 90s, but it's worth a shot" Lavender said as she played the video.

That video was a Spy vs Spy episode compilation.

"Could you hand that screwdriver?" Tristan asked.

"Violence has never been more hilarious" Lavender said as she handed it over.

"Sure, Lavi, sure" Tristan said.

"...and it's done!" Tristan said as he held up the device.

"Sure, but what does it do?" Lavender said as she pointed as the the pocket sized machine with knob, red button, and antenna.

"Not gonna lie, I only know that 1 is to teleport, red button is the activate, I dunno what 2 is and antenna for aesthetics" Tristan said.

"So when do we use it?" Lavender asked again.

"We ride at dawn, feminine pups" Tristan said as he left.

"Hi you guys! What were you doing?" Alicica asked them as she walked past.

"The attic is surprisingly comfy" Tristan said.

"You guys were there for like 5 hours" Aaron commented.

"We played Pokemon on the computer" Lavender said.

"reasonable" Aaron and Alicica said in perfect sync.

"So you wanna do something?" Lavender asked.

"Sleep?" Tristan suggested.

"Ah, sure, why the h_ll not?" Lavender replied.

And then they passed on the couch.

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