Chapter 5

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"Do you honestly think the library's going to be open at eight o'clock at night?" Winter asked, hopping onto his bike, it did take awhile, but he managed to make his dragon features disappear. "They do have odd hours, so there's probably another hour before it closes." Qibli said, peddling after Kinkajou.

"See? Told you they'd be open." Qibli said, hopping off his bike. The library was in fact open, but it was hard to tell since the lights were dim, and the only person in there was the librarian. A cold chill jolted through each of their bodies, the wind making a roar. "Did you all just get a chill?" Kinkajou asked, opening the door the the library. "Weird . . . I heard a faint roar . . ." Moon said, walking into the library. "Probably just the wind," Winter said, following behind Kinkajou as they headed into the library.
They each tried to avoid eye contact with the librarian, he was too quiet, even for a librarian. "Kinkajou, do you remember where the books were?" Qibli asked. "I think they were . . . Here!" She whisper shouted, pulling out a book with six different half-human half-dragons on the cover.
Kinkajou flipped to the pages which told what the dragons were called. "Maybe they have one that looks similar to Winter." She whispered, turning the page to a dragon white, with spikes on the tip of its tail and on the back of its neck. The wings here white and came down by its sides. "This one kind of looked like half of what you turned into." Qibli said to Winter. "It's called an IceWing." Moon said, pointing to the name above the dragon. "Well that's perfect for Winter! He's cold even when he's not a dragon!" Qibli said teasingly. Winter hit him in the arm with his elbow, glaring at him. "'There's SeaWings, NightWings, RainWings, MudWings, SandWings, and IceWings,' Kinkajou read. "'These six dragon used to live in harmony long ago, ninety million years to be exact. But . . . There's recently been signs of the tribes . . .' Kinkajou turned the page. "'Like my friend turning into an IceWing, and me turning into a NightWing. We can't find a way to turn back to normal, but we've found a way to turn half-dragon, and even full-blown dragon.'" Kinkajou stopped, seeing the librarian walk past them.
"We should probably take this back to your house, he gives me the creeps." Kinkajou said to Winter, shaking her head.

They each headed into Winter's house, Qibli checking to make sure they weren't followed.
"Does it say anything about turning into a dragon or anything?" Moon asked as they all sat at the dining room table. "Hang on . . ." Kinkajou muttered, flipping through the pages. "Here!" Kinkajou exclaimed after a moment. "It says you have to focus all your energy, picturing yourself on which dragon form to take." Qibli examined. "So I'm guessing if you wanted to be half dragon, you'd focus all your energy on that, and the same with being full dragon!" Kinkajou finished.

Kinkajou, Qibli, and Moon each called their parents saying they were studying with Winter for a few hours.
"We could practice this in your backyard since it's massive." Kinkajou said, putting her phone in her pocket. "It's big enough to fit like, fifty billion mansions in it." She said, opening the sliding door.
Kinkajou helped Winter, while Qibli and Moon used the book to help them. "It says we need to focus on what dragon we are. But there haven't been any clues on which we are." Qibli said, propping the book up on a rock. "Wait, I just thought of something!" Kinkajou called, flying over to Qibli. "What if someone was trying to make reality like those books?" She asked, Winter flying over to them. "Think about it, I found a crystal, like they did in the books. Then the person who found the crystal was the first to turn into a half dragon, like the books!" Kinkajou exclaimed, flaring her wings. "I think you might actually be right for once." Winter said. "Ignoring Winter," Kinkajou said, continuing. "Which means if someone's actually making the world like this, then there must be someone like the villain in the books. An all powerful being, one who mastered transforming."

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