7. He Comes Back

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So, the duct tape rookie really could skate, huh?

All kinds of craziness came through S, but Joe had never really seen something as insane as the moment Langa passed through the finish line before Miya.

He and Cherry hadn't even bothered to bet or argue over the race's outcome, they had been so sure.

Surprises were happening all over the place.

Reki was holding tight to the other boy, overflowing with excitement. There was something familiar about the way that they earnestly gripped on to each other.

Yeah. I'm calling it.

That boy definitely had it bad, but from the way Langa looked back at him, it seemed like it would work itself out just fine between them. Reki nearly picked Langa up, squeezing him tight, laughing.

"Incredible! You were so cool! And the board-"

These kinds of moments reminded Joe of the best things about people. It was such a pure interaction to watch, he couldn't help but smile.

I think I was like that, once.

Miya skulked around the periphery, head hung. Joe prayed he wouldn't take the loss too hard. Then, another surprise.

Langa reached out a hand to the smaller boy, "Let's skate together again, soon."
Reki nodded in affirmation.

Miya's face brightened gradually, then all at once.

Joe elbowed Cherry, grinning. "Ah, the youth-"
But Cherry stopped him mid sentence, placing a hand to his arm. His grip tightened.

Joe looked beyond, into the eyes of a familiar mask.

Somehow, in the midst of Okinawa's heat wave, it turned cold.

He rode slowly through the crowd, taking his time, enjoying the entrance. The man brandished his arms, like a god accepting tribute.
Maybe he had gotten taller.
Maybe his hair had gotten longer.
Joe couldn't care less.
The cold around him dissipated, burned away by the primal anger that was beginning to surge through his body.

Even if there had been talk of Adam, Joe hadn't expected him to turn up so soon, so out of the blue. About two years had passed since he had last appeared, flitting about the grounds of S in that ugly outfit, soaking in the cheers of fans, never allowing Joe or Cherry close enough to get a word in.

Joe hadn't prepared for or considered this, and from the way Cherry was bracing himself against him, he hadn't either.
It was hard to tell in the idiotic mask, but Adam was definitely looking at them.

Then, he deliberately turned away, skating a neat circle around the young boys.

"Lovely, lovely, lovely!"

Joe had also nearly forgotten the way that Adam's voice sounded. It seemed as if he tried to make every word into a profound declaration, some bizarre charged statement of truth.

"Not you, Miya dear, of course not. Dreadful, really. An embarrassment. Shame. It seems like you'll be skating all by yourself, again."

He hissed softly, winding his body between the boys. Reki swung his head around, confused. Joe wanted to push through the crowd, the delighted cheers of "Adam!" "Adam's here!"
But Cherry's grip kept him rooted in place.

We Are Never On The Same Page - Sk8 the Infinity [Joe x Cherry]Where stories live. Discover now