10. Who's Fault?

836 50 37

TW: blood

There were clouds coming in from the east, obscuring the moon. Whispy things, leftovers from the week's rain. They parked outside the gate, the three boys in the backseat clamoring to get out, to go. Cherry slipped on his mask.

The group took in S from a distance. It was usually so inviting, the light, the commotion; however, tonight Joe could feel something ominous in the air.
He could call that feeling by its name. He scanned the crowd, but did not see Adam yet.

"As soon as he arrives, we cut in and issue our challenge. We stop their race before it starts."

Cherry looked over at Reki, who was using Langa's shoulder for support as he held his foot up to try and tie his shoe. It wasn't a very effective strategy.

"Stay close to him."

Joe nodded, "Yeah."

As boards were removed from the car's trunk, he caught Miya's eye. The smaller boy dipped his head slightly, his face serious. Joe knew that he could sense it, too. Even if he had never seen Adam skate, they all knew the stories that had helped construct the mythology of S.

Everyone who challenges Adam ends up in the hospital. Adam butchers skaters. Adam has never lost a beef.

Miya pulled up the cat-eared hood over his soft, dark hair and tugged the sleeves over his hands, though it wasn't cold. "Let's go, losers!"

It was well past midnight and Adam still hadn't show his face. Reki and Langa skated circles around each other. If they were nervous, it wasn't in any way obvious. Langa said something that made Reki double over with laughter. Miya angrily spouted corrections on feet positions, on his motion, on the way Reki breathed, but his coaching was falling onto deaf ears.

"Awwww, you're worried about me!"

"No, I'm NOT- I just don't want you to look like a bigger idiot than you already are."

Joe surveyed them from a couple feet away, shifting his weight from right to left. Cherry stood firmly beside him,  waiting, tense.

"Carla, time."

"12:45 am."

Shadow sidled up next to them, scaring off some other patrons with a well rehearsed cackle. His face paint looked even more gruesome and greasy than usual. When he reached Joe, he dropped his voice into a low, normal tone, careful not to have his tougher- than- nails cover blown.

"Hey, uh... is.. Reki's gonna be okay, yeah?"

Joe was about to answer with some kind of reassurance, both for Shadow and himself, when the lights went out.

Cherry looked through the dim, seeing something Joe could not, as if by instinct.

"He's here."

Joe took to his board, tailing behind Cherry. The lights returned one by one in eerie procession.  Adam appeared in the midst of the people, arms outstretched like wings. He bowed graciously, signaling the start of the show. His show. The crowd roared.

Joe cut across his path, Cherry encircling Adam. They skidded to a stop in harmony, facing him.
The grin on the blue haired man's face was replace by annoyance, contempt, maybe.

He heaved a long sigh, finely pursed lips beneath the edge of the ornate mask.
Joe could feel Adam glaring at him, a sharp and private scowl. Up close, he had grown even more impressive, powerful arms and legs flowing out of a well proportioned torso, costumed to look shiny and expensive. 

We Are Never On The Same Page - Sk8 the Infinity [Joe x Cherry]Where stories live. Discover now