8. He Was Never Kind To You

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"We call it S. Can you guess why?" 

"Cuz the mountain course is kinda S shaped.", Kojiro grumbled. 

"No", Adam smiled thinly, "Because it's a ssssecret. S. Only for the best." 

By this time, they had made the spot under the bridge into a more comfortable hangout, a sofa with half its cushions from the roadside and a couple chairs. Kojiro stood with his back to the cement wall, ignoring the new installments. Adam was draped over the faded couch, his hood down, and Kaoru sat on the ground, leaning against the armrest. 

Kojiro watched as Adam absentmindedly threaded strands of pink hair between his fingers, his hand resting on Kaoru's head. 

"You think of that yourself, Adam?", he smirked. Kaoru shot him warning eyes. 

I Swear To God Stop Making Fun Of My Boyfriend look. 

Kojiro's smile faded as soon as Adam glanced over at him, vacant, unaffected. "No, actually, it was an old acquaintance of mine who discovered the place and gave it the name. Dreadfully uncreative, I know. But fitting." 

A silence settled between them until Adam felt like he had the attention he required to continue, "I think it has to be exclusive. A code word to get in." 

"Or a badge", Kaoru offered. 


The couple looked between each other, sharing in a mutual, growing excitement. Joy. Kojiro let his head thud discreetly against the concrete wall. And then once again, just for good measure.

I really must be going crazy. 

Adam leaned over the side of the couch and said something into Kaoru's ear.

Everyday, I have the privilege of third wheeling my best friend who I'm comically in love with and his weird fucking boyfriend. Absolutely fantastic. It's really the little things, the never ending headache, the constant desire to go completely bananas. 

The smaller boy laughed, turning a little red,  batting Adam away slightly. 

Nope, I've already gone crazy. This is it. Insanity. 

"Let's just throw in codenames and costumes while we're at it", Kojiro sighed, pulling his knees into his chest, resting his head on top on them. 

Adam sat up quickly, fixing him with another of those intense looks that made Kojiro feel like he could read his mind or see his soul. Creepy. 

"That's actually a delightful idea. It adds to the drama, the mystery of S! To inhabit some otherworldly persona for one night, a double life, almost." 

Adam's hands spread through the air now, lost in the grandeur of it all. The streetlights above the bridge turned on, cutting shadows in the fading light. He looked back at Kojiro, flicking his wrist into a point.  

"Who will you be?" 

Kojiro shrugged, giving further into the headache. "I'll just be Joe, I guess. That's what people call me at school." 

The blue haired boy nodded, pleased, "I'll continue under my alias. Adam.  And..." 

He looked down at Kaoru on the floor, taking him in, "You should be E-", but before Adam could finish his sentence Kojiro cut in, "Cherry. Cherry Blossom." 

He resisted the urge to quite literally bite his tongue after the words spilled out, procured by the memory of when he had first laid eyes on Kaoru, the peace of that moment when he glimpsed him skating among those February flowers.

We Are Never On The Same Page - Sk8 the Infinity [Joe x Cherry]Where stories live. Discover now