Paper Stars

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When I was a young girl, I had a dream. I man in all white appeared in front of me. He showed me how to make paper stars.

He told me that if I made 1,000 stars, my greatest wish would come true.

When I woke up, I rushed to my desk. I didn't really believe in wishes, but I liked making the paper stars.

I decided to make one whenever I felt sad or lonely or lost... And I kept them in a jar.

I don't know why it helped, but it did.

When I would sit by myself at school without anyone to talk to...

I made a paper star.

Whenever I was ignored by my class mates...

I made a paper star.

Whenever anyone ignored me...

I made a paper star.

The time I was all alone on my 16th birthday...

I made a paper star.

I made a lot of paper stars.

The one night, I finally I made 1,000.

I rushed out to my balcony. I held my jar of stars up to the sky. But no one came. I should've known... Wishes don't come true...

I hugged the jar to my chest, and I started to cry.

Then suddenly, a beam of light shot into my jar of paper stars. Then the man from my dream appeared.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hello," he said. "I'm here to grant your wish. Come with me, and you can leave behind the life that makes you so unhappy."

"You wish for a life where you are no longer alone... Or sad... Or invisible. Is that not so?"

I smiled to myself. I lead him inside my house. "I don't want to run away from my problems," I told him. "And I don't need a white knight to rescue me... All I ever wished for..."

"Was a friend."

AN: I got this story from a comic. (You can view the whole comic in video form in the video I included) I just found it really touching and i wanted to make it a story on here.

Master Fangirl,

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