The Mechanic & The Ballerina

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Loud, booming through the workspace.





The sounds of a clock.

Always repeating.

With the sound of sweet violin music.

The Mechanic and the Ballerina were both trapped. They suffered the same fate of doing the same thing for eternity.

The Mechanic would have to fix things, build things, invent things. All day, every day. She never slept.

The Ballerina would have to dance while playing her violin. All day, every day. She never slept.

They don't remember what they did to deserve this, this is all they know. They never thought of breaking free. They knew it was useless.

They never saw each other, but they could speak to each other telepathically. They knew they could, but they never did. The other would always feel the presence of the other. They were important to the other, but they didn't know why.

They didn't love nor hate their jobs, it's all they knew how to do.

Then they grew very tired, but they couldn't stop. They started wondering.

Why were they there?

How did they get there?

The Mechanic lived in a workspace. It was like she lived inside a clock.

The Ballerina lived inside a glass globe. Outside darkness swirled around.

Yet they were close to each other, for the Mechanic could hear the violin, and the Ballerina could hear the sounds of the clock.

Then one day, man came.

He appeared in both the Mechanic's workspace and the Ballerina's globe at the same time.

The man told them all about the world outside of where they were. He told them about all the different things they could do.

And that's when they knew, they needed to escape.

The man then disappeared, and the Mechanic and the Ballerina talked telepathically, for the first time.

They told each other that they were tired of being forced to do something they didn't want to. They told each other that they would escape or die trying.

So the Ballerina pounded on the glass of her prison. And she played the violin so loud it cracked the glass. She pounded and played until the glass shattered.

The Mechanic used all her tools. She made a device that blew the whole place up.


And then light...

The Mechanic and the Ballerina were standing on a cliff overlooking a forest. They smiled at each other. They had escaped.

And know they could be who they wanted to be.

AN: This story is inspired by the music video for Shatter Me. I included the video in this.

The Master Fangirl,

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