Chapter 21 : A Cuddly Movie Marathon

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Thalia's POV

Thalia had first pick for the horror movie marathon, so she decided to go with an old classic, "The Shining".

She enjoyed horror movies a bit too much sometimes, but she didn't mind, because she knew that with six people picking movies, the marathon would take quite a long time, which meant that hey wouldn't be finished before 3 in the morning.

That was mainly a positive for Thalia, because Reyna tended to turn into a scared puppy after 1 a.m., which was not only incredibly cute, but also meant that Reyna always wanted to cuddle with someone, that someone usually being Thalia.

There was of course the issue that six teenagers with ADHD and weapons in a locked room watching horror movies until early morning could result in a huge disaster, but having learnt a few useful spells, Thalia wasn't exactly worried.

Halfway through the movie, Nico started complaining about the lack of snacks, so Thalia got up, walking to the kitchen to get every different type of snack they had, planning to throw them at Nico.

"What's up?" Thalia heard Reyna ask softly from behind her, feeling arms wrap around her waist.

"I'm getting snacks so I can throw them at Nico." Thalia answered flatly. "What? He said he wanted snacks." she added, feeling Reyna pinch her side.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about. You were acting a bit off." Reyna said.

"I'm not acting weird." Thalia responded.

"Not anymore, but you were earlier, which is why I used the past tense." Reyna said, not letting go of the topic.

Fuck, why is she so smart. Thalia thought.

"I don't know, I guess I was just a bit tired." Thalia lied, embarrassed by the truth. "I did wake up very early to make those cookies."

"Thalia, you don't have to worry about me spending time with others. You're still my best friend, I promised you I wouldn't leave your side, and I plan on keeping that promise until the day I die." Reyna said, turning Thalia around.

Thalia's heart stopped as her eyes met Reyna's. She was shocked at how Reyna had found that out without anyone saying anything.

"Wha- How did you find out?" she asked, stuttering in confused.

"Thalia, you forget how well I know you." Reyna answered, smiling and tapping Thalia on the nose. "Don't get embarrassed, it's fine." she added, alerting Thalia to the fact she was blushing strongly.

"I- B- lo- look, I'm sorry okay. I just- I don't like spending time without you." Thalia said, getting angry at herself with how much she was stuttering.

"Thalia, do you really think I don't feel the same? Why do you think I spend so much time with you, all of my time with you? I get bored within a few minutes if you aren't around. Heck, I get bored when you go to the bathroom." Reyna responded, pressing her forehead against Thalia's, before kissing her on the forehead.

Reyna turned and went back to the couch, leaving Thalia alone in the kitchen, her grin growing uncontrollably.

Thalia didn't know where she got it from, but Reyna's tendency to press their foreheads together and then kissing her in the forehead was possibly the most adorable, encouraging and heartwarming thin ever.

"Here, Death Boy." Thalia said as she returned to the couch, throwing a massive bag of Doritos at Nico and taking her place on the couch next to Reyna.

"Where do you guys get all of this stuff from?" Will asked.

"My dad." Thalia replied flatly, smiling nonetheless.

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