Chapter 1

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It was September 1, the train station 9 1/3 was packed with families. It was strange, because as soon as a family wearing all black appeared the crowd scooted as far away as possible from the strange group of people. The first person to speak was a tall man in a well fit suit.
"Children, do you have everything?" He sounded half monotone and half seductive.
     The twin boys answer back "Yes, Father." The children's voices are just as monotonous as their father.  The family pushes the two trunks to the cargo area and helps to put them away. The family then moves into one of the boarding areas. They then started to say their goodbye. The other parental unit pipes up, "Pups, when me and your uncle where in school we cause so much trouble and I leave it to you to continue our legacy."
     They boarded the train after saying their goodbyes. The two boys found an empty compartment. They entered and made themselves comfortable.
"Harry, do you think we will make friends?" asked the more shy and emotional Neville.
Harry honestly didn't have an answer to his brother's question.
     Everyone was too intimidated by the boys so no one entered the room. The door opened and not to the surprise of the boys their cousin and his goons entered.
"Harry, Neville I haven't seen you since the Halloween celebration."
Their cousin looked just like his father; he had very little of the Black Family Genes. This blonde hair was too bright to belong to a member of the Black family.
     This other Heritage explains his blonde hair. The Malfoy is just as ancient and traditional as the Black family that maybe why his aunt married that man. Grandma was quite proud and impressed with her niece for finding such a catch. Grandmother has always been a proud and ambitious woman. Their Grandma was still mourning the loss of her niece Bellatrix. Bellatrix used to be  a woman the family could be proud of, but that all changed when she lost her sanity to a mad man.
     You see their aunt used to be a whole different person until she met big evil Voldemort. She fell crazy in love with him and became his equivalent of Harley Quinn. He twisted her until nothing was left of the former eldest Black sister. Bella had always had a fascination in death just like anyone in her family. She had met Rodolphus Lestrange even though it was an arranged marriage they still managed to fall in love with each other.
      It was until the two of them had joined Voldemort's army when their relationship started to change little by little until nothing, but a cold unhappy marriage was left. They had become slaves to their lives. They were both captured and sentenced to life in prison. Grandma goes to visit her as much as she can trying to help their aunt get better and maybe reverse the damage that was done. I also recall aunt Narcissa goes to visit and tries to help grandma reverse the charges that were done.
     Draco and his crew make themselves comfortable or at least Draco does. They talk or at least the cousins do until they are interrupted by a young girl telling them it is time to put their robes on. They all change once the girl leaves, because who would start getting undressed with a girl there. It wasn't much time until they arrived at the station when they heard a loud booming voice "First years this way toward the shore line and into the bouts," the voice explained.
They followed the voice to the bout where they were seated with a too excited Red and a quiet brunette.
     The bouts started to move as soon as everyone was on board. They glided across the water and everyone didn't fall. The twins were more excited as they have ever been even though it didn't show on their faces. Everyone was escorted to the castle where they were met with a tall witch in a matching green witches hat and robes. She explained the situation and told them that she would bring them into the great hall soon, but not quite yet.
     It felt like an eternity when the witch finally told everyone to get into two lines. We followed her orders and soon we were making our way through the great hall to the front of the room. The front of the room was a long table full of staff members. The witch explained that she will call us by our names and we have to come up and sit on the stoll. She told us the sorting hat will do the rest and go sit at the table of the house you were assigned to by the hat. We weren't paying much attention until my name was called so I walked to the hat and we had a very intimate and private conversation before it chose to put me in Slytherin.
      I was not shocked at all, but what came next was a shock to me. My baby brother was sorted into Hufflepuff. I mean ever since we were born we have been together. We spent so much time together and nothing ever good comes from us being apart. I think this is where my hero complex came from.
     We sat at two different tables I think to myself this isn't going to end well and I hope Hogwarts is ready for The Black Twins.

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