Chapter 2 (Harry)

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Harry sat at the table next to his annoying cousin. He quite wished he was sitting next to his twin brother at the moment. The names had gone for too long and he drifted off until he heard the name of the savior being called. He was paying attention to the show in front of him. The hat had been sitting on the poor boy's head longer than it had him.
The room was in complete silence except for the breaths everyone was taking. They were all hoping that the savior would join their house, but in all honest Harry couldn't care less. The silence was finally broken when the hat yelled out "Better be Gryffindor". The gryffindor table rose up and yelled we have the savior. The other houses looked a bit upset.
The last of the students had gotten sorted. The headmaster stood up and made some announcements. He took a seat after he was done and as soon after he sat down the food appeared. Harry had gotten himself a plate of food and was silently eating his food while his cousin talked to his friends. Harry wasn't the most social person he preferred to play and take care of his pet snakes then have a conversation without people.
He only talked when he answered or was talking about his interest. He was interested in many things, but snakes were his favorite. He had many snakes and most of them were poisonous. He handled it with the utmost care and he made sure they wouldn't hurt anyone. The friends of his cousin were afraid of him, because of his family's love of all things dark.
He looked over at his brother who was struggling to get the attention of the person who was closest to him, because he just wanted the dish that was on the other side of the person. He saw his brother's frustration and he knew he could do nothing about it. He was about to get up when a tall handsome male who was sitting right next to his brother taps the boy in question.
"Hey, this first year has been trying to get your attention for a while now."
"I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out and I'm sorry little man," answered the boy in question. He was impressed by this male.
"Thank you for your help so much," my brother had him. My brother had a bit of a blush on his face. I don't like that look on his pale face. I hadn't seen that face since his first crush and she had been only nice to him, because we were rich. I had tried to tell my brother, but he didn't believe me at all.
I was there when they broke up it had broken him a lot and this was before we found out about other relationships. The only relationship we had seen before were our parents and our aunt and uncles. They were in deep love with each other. I hope that this would turn out to be just like that time. I watched as my brother was secretly staring at the male.
The male was an older student and he looked like he was still growing into himself. He was talking to the people around him though he didn't really talk to the small boy next to him. He was still trying to include him. My brother is quite shy, but he seemed happy that the boy who helped him was talking to him. The food disappeared when it was time to get ready to leave, but before that the headmaster brought everyone in for a school song.
The first years from each house follow the two perfects to where they would be staying. Harry was not excited to leave the great hall, because that means no seeing his brother for a while. The walk didn't take too long before they came to a long wall of stone in the dungeon. The perfect in the front of the line said "Don't forget the password" and then they said "Pureblood" and the brick moved to reveal a passageway to the common room.
The common room was dark and elegant. It reminded him of home in the manor. The group was then split up by gender and were assigned rooms and the roommates. He sat on his bed and he looked at his owl Umbra. He started on his letter to his family. He mentioned everything that had happened after they had said their goodbyes.
He spared no details at all and he was more than ready for school. His grandmother had wanted him to go to Durmstrang institute, but his parents had disagreed. They had disagreed, because it was so far from home.

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