Chapter 5 (Harry)

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     I awoke from my slumber to the sound of snoring coming from one of the beds on the far side. I know it wasn't my cousin, because he doesn't snore. I went to my chest and took out my uniform for the day. I walked silently towards the bathroom that was connected to the large room that housed the boys. I got into the bathroom and started my normal routine for getting ready in the morning.
      The longest part of my routine was my hair, because I like it to look a certain way. I heard for Father that papa takes the most time to get ready, because of his hair. I think that it runs in the family that it takes quite a while to style our hair. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone was still asleep, but my family has always been early risers. I silently walked out of the room and into the hallway and made my way to the great hall for breakfast.
     When I arrived there were very few people in the hall. I wasn't surprised, because it was quite early for some people to be awake. I sat at the Slytherin table and I ate my breakfast. I finished my breakfast and I opened the book I had brought with me. I was about 1 quarter done with the book when Draco approached me with his guard dogs.
     He tried to talk to me, but I was too focused on my book until Professor Snape appeared. I was startled, but it didn't show. He handed me my schedule for the year. I looked at my schedule and saw that my first class was with Gryffindor. I was not excited for this at all, because Draco was talking all about the boy who lived coming to Hogwarts all summer long.
     I was pretty sure he was obsessed with him. I mean our family hasn't always been gray, but since the war it has been. My Grandmother was a dark witch just like her family before her and when my papa decided that he was a light wizard she almost had a heart attack. I mean back then Grandpa was still around and he was much more neutral then Grandma. She changed a lot after losing him.
      I mean she almost went as far as necromancy, but thanks to aunt Narcissa. She sent grandma to get help and to help heal her after her loss. It was with this help that she accepted my papa into her family again. It didn't help that papa's real brother died in the war. I should explain that my uncle isn't blood related to me.
      My parents were good friends with them and they are my godparents. My Grandmother wasn't happy about my parents marriage until much later. She was worried about her son being married to that beast. She was worried that we would turn out like father, but so did father. My papa never cared and said that even if we were they would still love us.
     My grandmother finally gave up when she realized that my father would rather kill himself then hurt papa. It took time, but they have a wonderful relationship. My cousin's godfather is professor Snape so I'm quite used to seeing him at gatherings, but I heard that it took him to make it  up to aunt lily for what he did in school. I also heard that papa had to do the same thing to father after he betrayed his trust. I heard that father actively avoided papa and they both were hurting.
     It took time, but wounds heal and so do relationships even though papa, uncle and father don't like him. He is still important to auntie and father tolerates him. I look at my schedule and I spend most of my time with gryffindor when I would rather hang out with my brother. I wait for draco to finish before making my way to my first class. I found a seat that was close to the front, but wasn't too close. I sat down and waited for everyone to arrive. My cousin took the seat next to me, because he had a hunch that people were too nervous to sit next to me. I don't like people to begin with, but as a kid people just actively avoided me for some reason. My brother and cousin were my only companion. My only friends are snakes and the one I'm most proud of is a large snake magical snake named serafin.

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