The reason why

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Avery's pov:
I woke up very comfortable and warm, but my chest felt heavy so i opened my eyes and was greeted by a face full of hair. I combed the hair away from my face with my fingers and smiled. Ryder was snoring softly but it came out more like a soft growl. I stayed like that for about 5 minutes before i got bored and grabbed my phone.

I got an alert from the neighborhood saying there's a giant dog killing the pets in the backyards. I frowned and clicked on the article "yesterday night around 1:32 was a wolf like creature spotted in the forest near oxford (i keep forgetting the place so please ignore the street names) I continued reading. "The dog has been breaking into peoples yards and killing small animals like : bunny's, guinea pigs, and birds. The dog doesn't seem to have a name tag or even a collar. If the dog is a stray we will get rid of it as soon as possible.
Do you know more about the creature please contact us at ***** ****.

I clicked on the picture that people had captured with they're security cameras and was shocked.
It was the black wolf creature that scared the shit out of me a couple of days ago. Just as i was coming out of my daze Ryder began to wake up. He grumbled  a "g'morning" and nuzzled his way back in my neck.

I giggled at the tickling of his stubble. "Goodmorning " he didn't respond so I continued looking at the pictures. "What ya reading?" He said finally sitting up rubbing his eyes. "An article about a wolf spotted nearby" I mumbled eyes focused on my phone. "A wolf?" He asked confused. "Yeah it looks like the thing we saw back at the forest two days ago" i said showing him the picture. He took one look and stiffens. "Ry?" I ask.

He nervously chuckled "it's not a wolf it looks more like a overgrown dog" he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I frowned but shrugged it off and went to join him. I pushed him aside with my hip as he was brushing his teeth. He playfully growled back as respond. "We should go on a vacation" he said when he was done. "Vacation?" I mumbled still brushing my teeth. "Yeah just the two of us away for a while" he said hugging me from behind and closing his arms around my stomach. I spit out my toothpaste and turned around in his hold. "Where should we go?" I ask. He hummed thinking "what about Spain?" He asked. I gave him a raised eyebrow look "Spain?" He laughed "don't give me that face i know you've always wanted to go there" i mean true but it's so random. I thought for a second "you know what yeah let's go on a fucking vacation" i said happy.

He smiled and kissed my lips "yeah"
Don't worry the next chapter is coming right now too just wanted to split them up cause the next one is big : )
Anyway hope u enjoy!

THe boy and the wolf (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now