Chapter 2

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Avery's pov

"Shit ! Now I'm late for class and it's my first day good job Avery, good job" I mumbled to myself. When I finally found my class thank the lords I went in and everybody stared at me like I was a unicorn that pooped rainbow's or something like i know I'm build like a twink but a little respect people. The teacher took notice of me and said "well you must be Avery my name is Mrs. Elle nice to meet you " she said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake it I introduce myself and sit down fast so everyone would stop staring at me, now I'm not the shy type but I'm not comfortable with 32 pair of burning eyes staring at my soul.

Time skip

I made it threw the first part of the day without any problems or stares, but now ...lunch time I have no idea where to sit so I just go ..outside? Yeah i know not the best move to do when you need friends, but it always works in movies so let's give it a go. I went to the backside of the schoolbuilding and made myself comfortable under a big tree. I opened my bag and shit i forgot to pack my lunch this morning i was already late and i needed to find the school so food didn't cross my head at the time. I groaned out loud and settled to just enjoy the sun and relax a bit.

Just when i was getting comfy my sunlight was blocked by something. I groaned and opened my eyes to glare at the thing blocking my vitamin C.
I was greeted by the sight of a smiling Ryder, he looked like an overgrown puppy it was pretty cute. I chuckled at his nervous twitching of his hands. "Hi again" he said. "Hello Ry" i said trying to ease the tension a bit with nicknames.

It worked cause the moment the word slipped from my mouth the boy was glowing with a smile "can i sit with you?" He said. I smiled at him "of course" i patted the spot next to me. "So how did you find your first hours of this school" he asked biting his apple he got from his backpack. "Eh it's alright I guess, nothing special so far" i shrugged. He hummed. I broke the silence "hey so gonna explain to me how you read my mind this morning?" I asked with my eyes still closed, face turned to the sun. I felt him stiffen "I'm joking love" i giggle. It was silent again so i looked at him only to find him already staring at me with shock? "W-what is it" i asked getting nervous, his eyes are so strict but beautiful. "You called me love" he said no emotion changing what so ever. "Oh I'm sorry i call a lot of people that" i said shrugging my nervousness off. He looked a bit angry at that.

"You alright mate?" I bump his shoulder with mine. He shot out of his angry thoughts looking at me laughing "mate? Seriously what are you a pirate?" He laughed. I giggled along with him until we sadly were interrupted by the damn bell again. This time tho i jumped from the noise bumping into Ryder. I was laying half on his lap looking straight at his junk. I blushed looking up at him "s-sorry" i said.

He was so close we could almost touch our noses together. "No worries" he mumbled still staring into my eyes. We snapped out of our daze when there was  a noise of the front door of the school closing. I looked away and i could swear i saw a hint of gold in his eyes. "Ah shit we're gonna be late let's hurry" Ryder said packing his stuff up.

We hurry to our classes saying a soft bye when we split our ways. I walked to my classroom with my thoughts full of Ryder.

The end of chapter 2 I know it's short but I still need to find a good way for the story . I update soon byeee ;}

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