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We decided to let Thomas newt fry and gally go since the person we needed was Teresa there was no need for any of us others to go for this time they knew Teresa best also I knew if I saw her I would probably punch her across the face the guys picked up some stuff as it was getting time for people to go home which was the best time to lure Teresa in then they were off I went to go sit next to lily and Brenda lily fell asleep the poor thing has been through a lot I picked her up putting her on a couch pulling a blanket over her kissing her forehead then walking over to the other couch sitting next to Brenda pat was somewhere else I don't know "hey you okay?" Brenda asked me "yeah I guess I just.." "miss him" "yeah" I sighed looking down playing with my thumbs "they were hurting him I saw it" "I know but you'll get him back I promise" I nodded

Time skip
Me and Brenda spent the rest of the time talking when the doors burst open the guys and Teresa coming in rage filled my body as I remembered what she did to Aris that witch everyone could tell how mad I was clearly about to punch Teresa but holding back they sat her down as they began to ask questions I tuned out not wanting to hear her voice I soon tuned back in when I heard gally "well we don't need all of her just her thumb" picking up a knife "you know what I like that idea" I said smirking earning a grin from him "no" Thomas spoke ugh anyways "you can't even get in your -" Thomas cut her off "tagged I know but your gonna help with that" he handed her the knife as one by one we got the chip pulled out soon it was my turn I sat down with pure anger "y/n I-" "shut up you know what you did to them what you did to Aris shut up!" She didn't say a word just continuing to take the chip out when she was done I got up walking away we tied Teresa up as we called it a night every one went to sleep I stayed awake thinking about Aris why him out of all people and to think the one doing this to him is my mom I hated it but it was true no matter what I did she was my mom non the less why why him I love him I felt my eyes water as a test went down my face "psst psst y/n" I turned around it was Teresa I ignored her "please y/n" I sighed going over I mean I noting better to do "hey I'm sorry but i didn't mean to cause any harm I know you hate me but I mean it I just wanted to find a cure to help people" she whispered "yeah half of me knows that but that doesn't change the fact you hurt people innocent people for a stupid cure you'll probably never find and even if you do how many more Teresa how many more have to die" Teresa went silent for a minute "you know he asks about you" she whispered I quickly tuned in as I knew who she was talking about "he misses you and we have cameras that tracked you guys when you had the chip he would ask to see you I would sneak him in when I would check him and show him what you were doing back in the right arm he always smiled seeing you he really does love you y/n" I started to tear up "I know I do to" "he even watched you almost burn the small
" kitchen"down he was laughing every time you laughed and although you couldn't see it he was always there looking" tears started come oh down my face all this time he was there he always was at this point I didn't feel nervous about seeing him no matter how long it was that we haven't seen each other our feelings never changed if anything they grew stronger "you know Teresa even tho I know what you did was wrong I know deep down you have a kind heart so thank you for telling me really" she nodded "I'll get you to him this I promise" I nodded smiling a small smile to her before walking off I sat against a wall closing my eyes falling into a deep sleep being tomorrow i could go see him

Why me why us we are just kids ---(Aris x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now