Why mom

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"No y/n your not going back in there !" Aris yelled but I didn't stop he tried grabbing me but Thomas stopped him he knew this is something I had to do "No! Thomas let me go!" It pained me to see the pain in his voice but I kept going she took everything from me I have to make sure she can't hurt anyone else I kept walking through. The fire and dead bodies as I found myself in front of the wicked building "you'll have at mother you'll pay" I ran inside too every floor finally making it to the 3rd floor and there she was just standing there watching it all burn down I slowly step into view "hello daughter you know you shouldn't be here but I knew you would be" "why we where just kids why mom"tears went down my face as I held the gun to her shaking "don't you feel bad for what you did to all these innocent lives" there was a pause "yes yes y/n I do sadly I came to realize that too late I never wanted to hurt anyone just wanted to find a cure to save everyone sadly the way we went about that wasn't the way it was supposed to be and I'm ..im sorry y/n I know I caused you pain and I don't expect you to ever forgive me and I'm welling to pay the price but I just want you to know that I really do truly love and care about you even if you don't believe me I do I know I wasn't a good mom bu-" I cut her off hugging her I don't know why I did so I just did I felt like I could never forgive her but something in me just kept telling me but y/n she's your mom and I couldn't help but wanna hug her she hugged me but she tightened her hug twisting me around so we would switch sides making me drop my gun across the room when I heard BANG! I looked it was janson I looked back down to see Ava my mom with a bullet in her "no" my eyes widen as her body fell to the ground I fell to my knees her barely alive "y/n go out please stay safe I got what was well deserved okay I will and forever love you" I don't know why I said it but I did "I love you too mom" she smiled a bit before her body fell completely she was gone I looked up to see janson smirking anger filled me more than ever "YOU BASTARD!" "What are you gonna cry" he scoffed a laugh he pulled a gun to me I shut my eyes was this it then I felt someone grab me as the gun shot BANG! But it didn't hit me i looked over as who was pulling me it was Teresa "what are you doing here?" "Getting you out now let's go" she grabbed my hand pulling me as we ran avoiding the bullets flying our way we kept running as we reached a room filled with tables me and Teresa hid soon enough janson came bursting in " hello y/n Teresa where are you" he said in the most creepiest voice that sent chills up my spine "you can't hide forever" he moved as he got closer but the he grabbed Teresa out of no where pulling her throwing her in front of him as he held the gun to her I had to think quick I saw the glass next to him inside cranks think think y/n then it hit me break the glass y/n I grabbed one of the chairs grabbing It throwing it as the glass it made it crank but not break shi* " oh y/n you missed" he smirked "did I ?" He looked confused as I ran to the glass hitting it making it break as the cranks jumped into him I stood up bleeding all over I grabbed Teresa running "up there the roof!" She yelled as we made our way to the roof closing the door before any cranks could get to us the building was gonna fall apart any second now "what's now!" Then we heard the berg load roaring coming to us my body was weak I was losing blood and fast Teresa helped me as we made our way to the berg "hold on y/n!" She yelled "GET CLOSER!" I heard Aris voice yell "CLOSER!" This time Teresa yelled Teresa looked frantic grabbing me and pushing me into the berg the others grabbing me pulling me in when I looked to Teresa about her building fell making the building she was on fall "TERESA!" I yelled as well as Thomas we watched as she fell until she wasn't in sight but before I knew it I blacked out

Why me why us we are just kids ---(Aris x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now