Sneaking in

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We got our stuff ready gally got us some of wickeds uniforms from where I don't know man but he got them I changed the clothes were a bit big on me since I was pretty short but nothing too bad I got the lancher holding it in my hands Brenda was getting ready as her and fry we're gonna get the kids that we got out me newt and Thomas were going with Teresa to find Minho and Aris as for lily and pat would be going we Jorge to get the berg I'm not gonna lie I was a bit nervous even a bit nauseous thinking about the whole thing but I felt excitement that today I would finally see him after months of not being able too today I could on the other hand newt wasn't getting any better but I was gonna he that serum for him I had to with everything packed we were off we followed behind Teresa as she lead us to the building we stepped inside I felt my stomach twisting at how nervous I was we kept walking past some scans and then going into the elevator when we made it into the elevator when the doors were just about to
Close a hand stoped them bringing the back opened it was janson shiz he stepped in going next to Teresa whispering dang it he knows he has to the others noticed it too he stepped out on a floor us going to the next "Teresa I don't know what he told you but you better take us to them" I whispered she nodded we walked out on the floor we walked until we reached this room this other guard joined us he gave us a signal telling us he was gally newt wasn't doing well I saw him becoming wobbly trying to stand he was running out of time we got inside shooting at the people in there as we started unlocking the doors letting kids out but no Minho or Aris "Teresa where are they" "I- there supposed to be here maybe they moved them possibly testing rooms" "okay gally opened the door to get the serum newt and Thomas go find Minho me and teresa will go find Aris we all nodded "Brenda you there we got like 28 kids" I spoke into the walkie-talkie "I can work with that" "good there coming your way now" "okay kids I need you to follow the girl you see with short hair over there okay"they all nodded as me and Teresa went of the other direction "y/n we need to stop by the lab first please" "WHAT?!" "Look I think Thomas's blood can help cure newt please this could save him" i debated my options but I promised I would help him so I went with Teresa we finally made it to the lab luck fully not running into any guard she went in frantic pulling out test tubes and a sample of blood I'm guessing she took from Thomas when she took out the chip "hurry!" "Yes I was right Thomas's blood it's not only immune it can kill the virus y/n his blood is the cure" "do you have enough to make some for newt" "I think so but your gonna have to give me a minute guard the door" I nodded after 5 minutes she got it "okay let's go find Aris" I nodded as we went running but this building was big and chaos everywhere there were things hitting the building bombs it was that boss guy damn couldn't he wait a minute parts of the building were falling we had to hurry then I heard my walkie talkie "y/n" I heard a raspy voice it was newt my heart broke he wasn't doing good "newt please hold on I've got the cure we found it please I need you to hold on" I put it in my pocket running I needed to find Aris now "in here!" I looked inside the room there he was he was fighting to get out of straps holding him down janson was in the room with some doctors I kicked the door opened shooting the guard but I ran out of amo dang it I picked up a scalpel from the table I was gonna have to do this by hand "Teresa go get Aris" she nodded as I started fighting janson he took chair throwing it at me but I moved before it hit me I ran to him stabbing him in the leg dragging the knife down causing him to fall in pain I turned around but janson grabbed another chair this time hitting me across my back causing me to fall "ahh" I screamed I stood back up grabbing a metal bar hitting him across the head making him fall my face covering feel of as I flipped my hair turning around to see Aris looking at me wide eyed "y/n?" I nodded tears coming down my face He ran to me hugging me "I missed you" "I missed you too" he said crying he reached cupping my face kissing me I pulled away "okay now we gotta go this buildings about to fall apart"

Why me why us we are just kids ---(Aris x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now