Chapter 4: The Fairy

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Mario and Yasie walked in, seeing the faint light blue glow up above the alter. It shine brighter than any star that Mario had seen in his life. He walked up to the glow, a desire to know what it was.

"Wow! Yasie, you gotta check this-a out! It looks...kinda human, if you ask me. Look at the size of those-a wings! They're kinda little, but they'd get us to Luigi in no time!" Mario yapped on, but he was just amazed, just like he was in every adventure.

Yasie giggled at his excitement, aiming her blue eyes at the figure. "It looks like Tinker Bell." She got closer, observing the figure carefully.

The little fairy-shaped figure floated in the air, eyes closed. Her hair was semi-long and it was purple. Her strapped dress was light blue and went down to her ankles, which was above her turquoise slippers. She then opened her eyes and smiled at the plumber.

"I can see you've found my alter." She smiled. "My name is Culop, a fairy from the ancient land of Animia, home of the 8 fairies of power. If one must wield all of us, he or she will be granted a special power that will be unleashed." She paused, then asked: "You met a woman with a purple dress and blue hair, correct?"

Mario nodded, then thought for a moment. If he wielded all of the 8 fairies then he'd have enough power to defeat the woman who kidnapped Princess Peach. It would be possible, but he'd need some help. And by some I mean a lot. But he'll get it, just you wait.

"Yes. You happen to have any information about her?" Mario asked the fairy kindly.

Culop smiled and nodded. "Yes. Her name is Mamusha, and she has been stalking you and your brother for a year now. Her theory is that you two murdered her little sister because her last words were 'men of red and green...' She got cut off at the end. I watched the whole scene without a trace of me being there. She's safe in the Overthere though."

Mario sighed in relief. "That's good for her. But why would she think that we were killers? We aren't in any way! Sure we kill villains, but nothing else!"

"Because she knew who you were at the time and never thought it was anyone else." Culop explained. "She didn't target anyone else except you."

"But we didn't kill anyone, and if we did, it was on accident!" Mario cried, now pale in the face. What would become of him if he and Luigi faced Mamusha alone...?

"Well, you've probably gotta convince her that she's wrong by finding the murderers." The fairy told him. "I know it's going to take some time, but we'll find them."

Some thunder crashing and rainfall were heard outside. The daylight didn't shine upon them anymore. The windows were now dark, but the lightning brightened it up a little.

Yasie walked up to the plumber in red and felt his head. It was burning hot and he looked like he needed rest. "You know, there is a motel just north of here. I can make reservations for all 3 of us."

They walked out, all nodding their heads and walking out into the rain. Yasie lead Mario and Culop through the pathways and into the motel. When they arrived, all of them were soaking wet.

"Can we get a room, sir?" Yasie asked the clerk, looking up at him.

"Sure." He said lazily, handing them a key. "Room 42 is all yours, sweetie."

Yasie thanked him and went into the rooms, searching for 42. They eventually found it and got a meal afterwards. They all discussed the situation while they ate.

"So... Who are the murderers?" Mario asked curiously as he smacked on his spaghetti. Of course they ordered Italian.

"I don't know. We're going to have to find out." Yasie smiled as she saw that his mustache was covered in spaghetti sauce. She giggled.

Culop nodded as she sat down. "Well, we need to figure it out. If you see any trace of red and green men, you go and ask them if they had murdered anyone."

"But wouldn't one of them lie?" Mario asked.

"Just go with the flow, Mario. I'm sure one of them will be able to tell the truth to us."

When they got sleepy, they all laid down as Yasie turned off the light. The already asleep Mario didn't budge, but blushed as Yasie kissed his cheek.

Culop yawned and climbed into the bed, by herself so she wouldn't get smushed by anyone. Yasie and Mario were sleeping together. She smiled and whispered to everyone:
"Goodnight everyone. Get a good night's sleep. We'll see each other in the morning."

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