where will i turn

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I wake up in a hospital room my head was pounding and as soon as I came to my senses my heart started racing. I ripped the tubes out of my arms and ran down the hall to Chris's room. I opened the door and he was gone


Doc. "Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to go back in rest "

Me" not until I see my brother where is he is he okay ? Did he live? "

Doc." Your brother past last night around 9:30pm you were in here when he died miss James do you not remember ?"

Me" your lying this is a dream your a lier you're all LIERS"

I had no idea what's going on but next thing I know I had a needle stuck in my arm and I blacked out....

*2 days later*

I woke up and it was blury but I could still hear. someone picked me up and put me in a wheel chair. I saw the hall way moving and everyone looked horrible.I heard a ding and a soft cotton go over my face next thing I know I blacked out... again.

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