Chapter 2 - The Mask

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"So, do you think I should go with this one, or this one?" Canada asked, holding up two different suits.

Canada had asked for help in picking his outfit for the ball, and since Australia and New Zealand were too busy with their own outfits, I was the one he'd turned to.

And that's how I ended up sitting cross-legged on Canada's bed, watching him pull different suits out of the wardrobe before he asked me what I thought. I thought they all looked the same.

I groaned. "Cancan, I don't know! You know I suck at fashion!"

"I know, but still-" Canada said, putting both suits back

"Look, if it matters that much to you, go ask Paris or something!" I cut him off, not wanting to listen to a rant about the very slight differences in a suit. It's not like I'd be able to tell anyway.

Canada looked at the two suits again thoughtfully, before choosing one and lying it gently on the bed in front of me. As he put the other suit back in the wardrobe, he asked me, "What about you? What are you going to wear?"

I shrugged. "No idea. I was planning on just wearing the same thing I usually wear."

Canada gave me a look. "Seriously? If you did that I think Dad would straight-up murder you."

Leaning back in the bed, I replied, "Well, it'd be worth it to see his face. Plus I can make my own decisions, thank you very much."

My younger brother sighed. "Ame, look. I know you really don't want to attend this ball, but I don't want you getting on Dad's bad side. I don't think Aussie and Kiwi remember what happened last time..."

"You mean when I threw his tea into the river?" I said, and Canada nodded. "Look, Cancan, I don't think any punishment can be as bad as that."

"But you never know..." Canada reasoned, and with a sigh, I gave in.

"Alright, fine. Dress me up all fancy-like." I grinned, and Canada grinned back, before starting his descent into the world of fashion.

Almost an hour and a half later, and Canada had given me a white suit with gold accents.

"Are we done yet?" I whined, and Canada jokingly-glared at me to shut me up.

"Almost..." He adjusted my collar a little, before stepping back to admire his handiwork. "Perfect!"

"Okay, so I've got the suit, is that all? Can I go now?" I asked, and once again Canada gave me the look.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I thought for a moment, before replying, "I'm probably forgetting a lot of things."

Canada sighed. "It's a masquerade, America. That means you have to wear a mask."

"Oh is that what that means..." I said, actually confused because I'm an idiot.

Canada rolled his eyes, but there was a smile there too so I knew he wasn't mad. "Let me guess, you don't have one."

I hung my head sadly and shook it.

"Well, you're in luck." I look up to see Canada smirking at me like he planned it all along. Which, knowing him, he might have. He pulled a wrapped package out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Go ahead, open it!"

"What is this, Christmas Day?" I joked, but I opened the package anyway.

Inside was a very intricate masquerade mask, white with golden designs like vines all around it. It could have looked cluttered, but it was so well made that all the vines intertwined in just the right way. The mask was so well done that I knew it was unique, one-of-a-kind, even though I knew very little about the masquerade. I looked up at my younger brother in shock. "How did you... no, better question, why did you-"

"Only the best for my brother." Canada replied, smiling, happy knowing I loved his gift.

"Well, what about you?" I asked with a smile, slowly wrapping the mask back in the package. The ball was still at least 2 hours away, and I didn't want to mess anything up in that time.

"Oh, I got one too, it's not as fancy as yours but it'll do." Canada pulled another mask out of his other pocket and showed it to me.

Similar to mine, the mask itself was white, but it had little red rhinestones around the left and right sides. Definitely not as well made as the mask Canada had gotten for me, but it was still pretty.

"Jeez, Canada, why didn't you spend all the money on your mask instead of mine?" I asked, still in shock about the level of intricacy of the mask I'd gotten.

"Because I'm not the one who needs to impress all the ladies." Canada smirked.

I groaned. "Don't remind me!"

Father had insisted that since we were having this ball, I should get to know some of the ladies from some of the neighboring kingdoms so that I could possibly find someone who I could possibly marry. Honestly, I think this is why Father was having this ball in the first place. And I was not having it.

"Well you didn't have to make me so admirable! You know I don't want to do this!" I grumbled, but I was really happy that my little brother cared enough about me to help me with my father's wishes.

"Hey, it's not my fault most people find you attractive! You just have to find that special someone!" Canada turned away from me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready."

Obediently, I left Canada's room and he closed the door behind me. I tried to think of where we were supposed to go after we got ready, because I'd forgotten.

Sighing, I knocked on Canada's door.

Clearly, my little brother was expecting this, because he just yelled back, "Go to the dining hall!"

And so I took my leave, and headed toward the dining hall. When I arrived, I saw Australia and New Zealand already there, sitting in their seats, talking to Father and Mother.

Australia and New Zealand were wearing matching navy blue suits with white accents, which really fit them. Mother was wearing a black sleeveless dress, and Father was wearing his "fancy" suit. I really couldn't tell the difference between his fancy suit and his regular suit, but that might just be me. I suck at fashion.

"Mon chéri! C'est bon!" France exclaimed with a smile as I walked in. "I assume Canada helped you with that?"

"Oh, you know me so well." I joked, sitting in my seat across from Australia.

"Where is he, by the way?" Britain asked rather impatiently.

"He's coming." I answered plainly, not wanting to deal with the situation any more that I had to.

"He'd better be..." Father responded, straightening his tie.

There was a pause, before New Zealand broke the awkward silence by asking,"Did Canada give you his gift?"

"Yep!" I smiled back.

"He worked really hard to get that for you, you know." Australia added.

"I bet he did, it looks amazing."

We fell back into silence, but before long Canada came into the room.

"Sorry I made you wait, Dad." He apologized, and I rolled my eyes with a grin.

Britain looked up, and replied, "That's okay, Canada." And with that, we were all in attendance.

1230 words

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