Chapter 18 - The Introductions

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I woke up late in the morning the next day.  I didn't really want to get out of bed, mostly because I always cowered in my room after every argument I had with my father, but this time was different.

I heard people talking from down the hall.

And not just my family either, but a couple of voices I didn't recognize in the early morning either.

So I did what any sane person would do in that situation. I stumbled out of bed, shoved some decent looking clothes on, and quickly opened and closed the door behind me.

Down the hall was Canada, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan for some reason, and then an adult man who I had never seen before in my life.

Canada spotted me, and waved me over.

Hesitantly, I walked down to where everyone was.

"...and this is my older brother, America!" Canada introduced me as I walked over.

Belarus nodded. "I think we met him at the ball, right Kaz?"

"I think so." Kazakhstan said, looking me over. "His hair looks a lot more messy than before, but I think it's him."

I felt a slight tinge of embarrassment at this, and I said, "Well I just woke up, and-"

Belarus laughed. "Don't worry Amerika, it's a good look for you."

Somehow hearing that compliment made me even more embarrassed.

"Uhm, anyways..!" Canada cut in, trying to keep everything on track. "Ame, this is, well you've met Ukraine, her siblings who you've apparently already met, and uhm, her father!"

I turned to look at the adult man standing in the room. He was wearing a funny looking hat, and he had an eyepatch over his left eye.

"Hello." I said, pretty unsure of how to act.

"Привет. I am Soviet. You are Америка?" He asked, switching between a foreign language I didn't know.

"Yes, I am." I looked him straight in the eye. Something was off about him...

"Well, that's pretty much it!" Canada clapped his hands together.

Something was missing. Something Ukraine had said, that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

It was only after Canada had started to lead everyone away that I remembered what it was.

"Ukraine, didn't you say you had an older brother?" I asked, and time seemed to just stop.

First Ukraine looked at me, an almost worried expression on her face, and then her father got to me.

"I don't know why Ukraine would have told you that." He said, glaring at me. "She knows that she's the oldest of my children, since that little сука went against everything I stood for."

"...So what happened to him?" I asked hesitantly, knowing with every word I said Soviet got a step closer to straight up murdering me in my own house.

"He has been, how you say..." a puzzled look came over his face, and he turned to Belarus. "Как ты говоришь отказываешься на английском языке?"

"Disowned?" Belarus answered, a bit confused as to why Soviet was asking them.

"Да, yes. He has been disowned from this family." Soviet turned back to me, the glare appearing back on his face.

"Man, I wish I could be that lucky." I looked back at Soviet, not scared by his glaring. "If only my father would do that, I could leave."

Then I straightened. "Anyway, you said it was 'Soviet?' I'm sure I'll be seeing you again. After all, it's not going to be long until Canada over there decides to put a ring on it."

Before Soviet could reply, I spun on my heel and walked away.

I confidently walked until I had passed the corner and I knew I was out of view of the guests. Then I stopped, trying to figure out where I could go.

I didn't want to go anywhere where I could possibly see my father, because I still hadn't forgotten about our argument last night, and I definitely didn't want to see Canada and his tour group, especially since I had just made that amazing dramatic exit.

So that really boiled down to two places: my room and the garden.

And clearly I wasn't in the mood for cowering, since I had basically just shown up a grown man with one hell of a glare.

So once again I headed to the garden.

When I arrived, I listened quietly to make sure no one was heading this way, and when no one was, I let myself be a little more relaxed, and I leaned on the small plant holders.

A slight breeze started blowing, and my mind started wandering, picturing Russia the way I'd first seen him, at the masquerade, when his eyes sparkled in the darkness, and god, he just looked so hot-

Wait. Where'd that come from? I'd never thought about anyone like that before. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.

I was in love with Russia. I had been, since I met him, and it always had been in the back of my mind. He was the reason that I was gay in the first place.

I groaned loudly at this. Britain wouldn't like this.

"What seems to be the matter?" A voice I had subconsciously memorized said from behind, and I turned around to see Russia standing there.

"Just...thinking about things." I said, trying to appear nonchalant even though I was absolutely freaking out.

Russia raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it.

"Hey wait, how'd you get in so easily?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the tall figure in front of me.

Russia shrugged. "Practice." He didn't elaborate further.

"And why are you even here in the first place?" I put my hands on my hips.

"For my siblings." He said, avoiding eye contact.

I didn't move, and eventually he sighed.

"It's a long story."

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