Chapter 4 - The Ball pt. 1

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When Canada and I arrived back at the main hall, this time with our masks already on, the room was full of people.

And when I sat full, I mean full.

Mother was trying to herd everyone into the ballroom, because that space was bigger and could fit more people.

Just looking around, I recognized some people, like Mexico, who had a yellow mask with little bits of red and green mixed in, and Argentina, who had a light blue mask with spots of white and yellow.

But there were more people who I didn't recognize. There was a boy wearing a white mask with red and blue accents, standing next to a girl who had on a similar mask, but without the blue, and another boy with a red and blue mask, cutting out the white altogether. They seemed to be related, but I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen them before.

If I had, it'd been too long ago to remember.

I was starting to get a little claustrophobic in such a crowded and compact place until I got pulled aside by someone.

"Oi, mate, you gotta watch out! Don't just go wandering into the crowd like that, we'd lose you in an instant!" A familiar accent said, and I saw Australia standing next to me, wearing a blue mask with white stars scattered around.

Brazil popped up beside Aussie, wearing a green mask with green and yellow feathers sticking up from the corners. "Come on, Aussie, give the cara a break."

"Yeah, Oz." New Zealand commented, coming up from behind. He was wearing a similar mask to Australia's, only there were less stars and the stars were red.

There was a sigh as Canada came from behind Kiwi. "What did Aussie do now?"

"Where is everyone coming from?" I asked, seriously confused as to why everyone was coming over to us.

"Because nothing interesting is happening over there, mi amigo." Mexico whispered in my ear, making me jump.

"Don't do that!" I felt my face heat up as everyone started laughing at my reaction.

"Lo siento, America." Mexico apologized, still giggling a little bit. "I couldn't help myself."

I huffed, but it was good-natured.

Before long, we finally managed to get into the ballroom, and I watched Mexico's shock to the grandeur of the room.

The ballroom was only reserved for special occasions or parties, and it was usually off-limits for us. However, me being who I am, I liked to sneak into this room as a child and have wild fantasies about balls and meeting many people, and altogether having a good time.

That was before the disaster of a ball that happened two years ago.

After then, I couldn't even force myself to look at the doors of the ballroom, let alone go inside.

But somehow, being in this space surrounded by the sound of chatter and general excitement made the whole room appear in a whole different light.

We mostly hung around the walls of the room, not really wanting to get into the heat of it. Then would come all the questions about my future plans, and I really didn't want to go there right now.

Unfortunately, as much as I wanted it to, I couldn't be a coward for the whole time, and eventually Canada nudged me to go talk to people.

"Come on, you gotta talk to at least one lady! Learn her name, I'm sure that'll be enough to satisfy Dad." Canada insisted, and I had to admit he was right.

I quickly glanced around before I saw the girl from earlier, hanging out with the two boys from before along with another boy wearing a red mask with yellow stars, and I made my way over to them before I could change my mind.

"How are you doing tonight?" I asked the girl, and she smiled a bit.

"I'm doing fine, thank you." She did a little bow. "Konichiwa, I am Princess Japan. These are my brothers Princes North and South Korea," she motioned to the guy with the red and blue mask and the one with the white mask, "and this is my good friend China!" She gestured to the boy in the red mask.

"It's nice to meet you, Japan." I said, choosing not to add the royal title. Japan seemed to notice and she gave me a smile.

I hung out with them for a while. Japan was really nice, and South Korea, while quiet, was very friendly too. On the other hand both North Korea and China have off a little of a menacing vibe, something along the lines of 'If you take one step out of line I will end you right here and now.' After a while North Korea started glaring at me rather intensely, and I quickly found an excuse to leave.

I didn't know where to go, so I just wandered around until I bumped into Canada, who was with another girl wearing a blue and yellow mask.

"So, how'd it go? I saw you hanging out with that girl over there." Canada gave me a smile.

"It was alright." I didn't bother elaborating. "Care to introduce me to your lady?"

Canada started blushing, but the girl just laughed.

"I assume you are America? Canada has told me about you, quite a lot actually." She smiled. "My name is Ukraine."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ukraine." I gave her a smile.

I hung out with Canada and Ukraine for a little bit, mostly because I didn't have anything to do.

A servant was slowly making their way around the room carrying a tray of champagne, and when they came this way, I turned my back to them. It wasn't they're job to check who was getting the drinks, they were just passing it out.

I'd learned that last time, and I wasn't about to make the same mistake that I'd made two years ago.

After a while, I was getting bored again, so I started looking around to see if there was anyone I could hang up with.

Australia and Brazil were nowhere to be found, assumingly having left to play with Aussie's animals.

Mexico was flirting with a guy wearing a red mask.

Canada was still talking with Ukraine.

And that's when I saw Phil.

Phil, short for the Philippines, used to be my best friend. We were really close, to the point of doing almost everything together. But ever since the mistake we made, we haven't talked to each other. It brings up things we'd both rather forget.

My brain went on autopilot, and I searched for the nearest exit to the room, and made my way over to it.

In the back of my mind I saw New Zealand hanging out with someone, but I ignored it. I was past looking for someone to hang out with. 

Before I'd registered my surroundings, I'd left the ball. But now the real question was:

Where do I go now?

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