Chapter 6 - The Dream

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The rest of the evening passed rather quickly. Nothing else really happened, and eventually all the guests started leaving as it got later and later into the night.

Poland and Germany were some of the last to leave, which I was thankful for, because it meant I didn't have to go looking for someone to hang out with.

As usual, the last people left were our family, and Mother always insisted on letting them stay over.

We still hadn't seen Father since his brothers dragged him off, and since none of us were willing to go see what they were doing, we agreed to let them continue, and in the morning we'd check on them.

"Mon chérie, can you show Mexique to the guest room?" Mother asked, and I nodded. It was a couple doors down from my room, and it was on the way, so better to kill two birds with one stone.

As I showed Mexico to her room, she yawned, and then started speaking rapid-fire Spanish, so fast I couldn't even process the words coming out of her mouth.

"Mexico. English please?" I asked, and she blinked.

"Oh! Lo siento, America. When I get tired it's hard for me to switch between inglés y español and the languages start to mix, no tiene nada de malo.

I didn't ask her for a translation this time.

Mexico kept talking, the Spanish and English blending together, so I couldn't fully understand what she was saying, but I got the general gist of it.

Before long, we arrived at the guest room. Tentatively called that, because it was pretty much Mexico's room in our castle. Our family didn't come over that often, but when they did, it was pretty much a requirement that they stay over, and since there were so many rooms in our house anyway, everyone got their own personal bedroom to stay in and decorate as they please. Of course, Mother always insisted on calling them the "guest rooms" because technically anyone could use it, but we all knew she was just trying to be polite.

"Alright, well, here we are." I stopped and put my hands on my hips. "Here's your room, Mex."

"Gracias, amigo." Mexico smiled, and I smiled back.

I walked a few doors down until I got to my room, before I turned back to Mexico, who was standing in the same spot.

"Good night, Mexico!" I waved.

"Buenas noches, America!" Mexico waved back, and then we both ducked into our rooms.

The first thing I did when I got into my room was take off the suit. I hated wearing suits, they were so tight and formal. I didn't mind wearing them for short periods of time, like if I was meeting someone, but staying in a suit for hours on end always made me feel confined, and I hated it.

I took off the suit and threw it into a corner of my room in a way that would make every fashion person in the world cringe. I quickly changed into a much more comfortable long t-shirt and shorts, which were my go-to pajamas, and flopped down on my bed, and almost instantly fell asleep.

My dreams were messy to say the least. One moment I was reliving a childhood memory of playing with my best friend Phil, the next, my father's yelling at me for something. At one point I caught a glimpse of those amber eyes, but they quickly changed into Canada's soft brown ones, wide in shock, before disappearing entirely. A different memory, this one of me and Mexico playing as children. Then, I was on my bed, another person snuggled up and softly breathing next to me. An image flashes before my eyes, one of Canada and his lady, Ukraine. A moment, and the image is gone, replaced by Japan smiling next to her two brothers. Another moment, and I see Germany and Poland, laughing and smiling with each other. Yet another moment, and my friends are replaced by Mexico and the man I saw her with across the room at the ball. Then images flew by in a flurry, fast enough to get a sense of familiarity, but not enough to look at them, see them in their full light. After a few moments, the images slowed enough for me to catch a picture of Australia and Brazil, playing with Aussie's pets. Then once again, the scene changes, and my father's yelling again. The dream ends suddenly with me, back in the garden with the man, staring into his amber eyes, sparkling in the dim light.

I hear my name being called, and I open my eyes, sitting up in bed.

Sunlight is streaming through the window into my room, so it must be morning already. My head was already reeling trying to comprehend the strange dream I'd had, and having very little sleep last night probably didn't help any.

"America! Wake up!" I could hear Canada running down the hallway. "If you're not up and ready in ten minutes I have given Aussie full permission to use his pets against you!"

I yawned, got out of bed, and opened my door. "Why would you give Aussie permission to do that against anyone?" I asked, startling my younger brother.

When I looked up at Canada, I couldn't help but think of the wide, shocked eyes my brother had in the dream last night, and I instantly flicked my eyes away.

"Well, I didn't know you were awake." Canada said, obviously not noticing my avoidance of eye contact. "You're the last one up, everyone else is already at the dining hall ready for breakfast."

I left the door open a crack, before throwing on a more proper outfit. Not as tight as the suit from last night, but a lot more princely than the t-shirt and shorts I was currently wearing.

Once I was satisfied with my outfit, I opened the door again and joined Canada in the hallway.

"What's for breakfast, do you know?" I asked my brother, because I was really hungry.

"Pancakes, I think." Canada smiled, and I knew he was just as hungry as I was. Plus he just really loved pancakes.

We soon arrived in the dining hall, and just like Canada had said, everyone was there except for my father who still had yet to make an appearance after getting taken away by his brothers.

"So Aussie, tell me." I slid into my seat. "How long was it before you and Brazil left the party?"

Australia looked at me, a little surprised to see me up, but he thought about the question for a bit, before responding, "About an hour and a half, I'd say. Oi, sounds right?" He asked Brazil, who nodded. 

"So you ditched us for the animals you literally see every day?" I gasped over dramatically. "I guess you don't care about us after all."

Australia laughed, but didn't deny it.

Argentina, Peru, and Chile looked at me strange. Clearly they hadn't spent enough time with us to get used to me. Mexico, on the other hand, was enjoying the light banter between me and my brothers.

After messing with Aussie, it was now Kiwi's turn and I turned to my little brother.

"What about you? Did you find yourself a lady?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

New Zealand just blushed and stayed quiet, which I took as a yes.

"Come on little bro, tell us about her!" I urged my brother on, but he didn't budge. He wouldn't spill a single bean about this girl he met.

I would have continued egging New Zealand on, but suddenly, the door slammed open, and my father stormed into the room.

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