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Later that night, after the girl had stacked up all the books she didn't use and left out the ones that she did- just in case they wanted to double check her work for themselves, she left the study, seeing Lyon talking to a pink-haired woman near the staircase.

Sliding the rucksack onto her back once more, holding the small packet with her carefully written out work drawn across it, she set forwards.

It seemed the wizard saw her quickly after as he looked in her direction. "Ah, Gears. Are you headed out for the night?"

She shook her head and held out the packet, a soft smile on her face. "Yes, actually. I finished the translation a few minutes ago."

His kind grin quickly molded into one of slight shock as he looked down at the page, bewilderedly taking it from her grasp.

"My goodness." The pink-haired woman started after a solid minute of Lyon gaping, laughing at his expression before turning to her. "You're the mage from Fairy Tail, aren't you?"

The orangette nodded, "Yep. I'm Gears."

She gave her a slightly bigger smile as she began again, Lyon still gaping like a fish in the background. "What a peculiar name. I'm Sherry Blendy."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Blendy."

The woman seemed to be taken aback by the young girl's politeness as the orangette turned back to the white-haired wizard. He looked a little less surprised and more satisfied with her work as he read along the lines, flipping through her slightly-messy drawings with a hum.

Turning to the girl, he nodded. "We probably should have just contacted you first, before we spent so much time on this. Good work, kid."


After collecting the reward from Lamia Scale, Gears couldn't wipe the grin off her face. Even after she remembered her promise to Macao that was now.. uhh, broken.

Staring outside the window of the passing train, the girl looked down at her watch, knowing that it was far too late to get to the guild on time that night. Having it already been the next day. Lyon had offered her a room to stay in for the night for her good work.

However, she politely declined the offer, instead insisting she make her way home as soon as possible. He'd hesitated slightly, not wanting the young girl to travel alone at night, but at her persistence, allowed her to leave. But not without a guardian of sorts.

That being mentioned.. she stared at the ice dog that lay at her feet- feigning sleep even with his eyes wide open and aimed at the door.

Lyon had told her that the living ice-sculpture would disappear as soon as she arrived at the Fairy Tail guild hall, and unwilling to sap away at his magic energy, she was trying to race back as fast as possible.

Inhaling as she stared back at her own reflection in the glass of the train- it being too dark outside to actually see anything, she let out another sigh. Yet again rubbing at her eyes, she threw her legs up onto the bench besides her and laid back against the glass.

Who knew translating would take so much out of her, seriously. She couldn't wait to just go home and sleep. The orangette didn't have the energy left to take a shower, so she would probably just do that in the morning. It wasn't like it'd been three days since she'd showered either, but she would need to wash her sheets soon.

Letting her mind gather together a list of things to do, she looked down at her bag, the jewels she'd just gotten for the job she took would cover her and her roommates' rent for the next two months easily, not that it was much to begin with in the first place.

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