Time is love.

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Raphael broke out in a cold sweat. He had butterfly's in his stomach, dancing there hearts out on his wedding day.

"Dude calm down!" His best man whispered nudging him. "It's my motherfucking wedding! How can I calm down!" He whispered back harshly. Casey only shook his head. "I get your drift-" soft piano music cut Casey off and everyone in the room went silent.

The doors opened and Raphael's little niece came out with a small basket full of flowers. A small smile formed on his lips. Then all of a sudden there he was.

Raphael watched him make his way over too him took his breath away. He couldn't help but smile with glee, Leonardo was so handsome.

Leo stood in front of Raph with a flushed face that was to die for. "Hey" Raph whispered, he smiled "hey"

They soon said their 'I do's and here is the part Raphael had been waiting for..'The food'....He meant the kiss.

They leaned in their lips capturing each other's. They could hear there dear friends and family members cheering them on.

Pulling away the lovers smiled, several minutes later they were eating and it was now time for everyone to say a little something and then cake.

First April stood with a smile. "Well how should I start? I kinda sorta knew a little something was going on between the two and well here we are two love birds putting rings on each others fingers how much cuter can they get? I'm so happy they could be together...I'm proud that they got this far with each other!" With that April sat down.

Raph blushed slightly. Leonardo grabbed his hand. Mikey then stood. "Them coming out to us telling us that they were a couple was pretty awesome, I was right the whole time! Now their engagement took forever, Raph didn't have the guts to even propose!" Raph shook his head at his younger brother clenching his fist. Leo shook his head and smiled.

Donnie stood with a sweet smile, "For a long time I wanted to grow up and see the world with my own eyes and adventure, get out, explore. But now that I'm here and were all grown up..its bitter sweet. I sometimes wish we were kids again, but when I look around at all of us I wouldn't want it any other way...and Raph and leo? Are something I would never separate them if I it were going to save my life." Donnie smiled looking over at Leo and Raph both there eyes glossy.

Casey stood with a 'I'm so gonna make you embarrassed!' Look. "Well I remember when my best bud told me he was gay, and when he said it was leo he fell for, my jaw hit the floor! I would has never thought of it. It was so obvious! Everything Raph and leo did near each other said it all. Now look the two bang each other every night!-" Casey was cut off by Raph shoving him back in his seat. "Thank you Casey. That was real touching...." Raph growled. Leo's face was a dark red.

Splinter shook his head and stood. "When I look back at the time they told me, I can't believe I was so harsh, I wanted nothing more for all my sons but for them to be happy. If I had separated the two they would have never of been with us again. I soon got used to it. I finally realized..they would have never survived without each other. I'm ever so proud of my sons." Splinter smiled "now...FOR THE CAKE!"

They all clapped and made there way to the cake. "Raph. I swear you try anything I'll kill you!" Leo said raph only chuckled. "Yo Mikey! I hope ya didn't put something in dis cake!" Mikey only chuckled. They couldn't believe they let him do the cake they were fucked!

Mikey only winked at Raph. Raph and leo both cut the cake. They both smashed there slices of cake on each other's face. Everyone laughed, Raph and leo kissed.

Pulling back the two smiled "there we both feed each other cake." Raph said with a smirk. Leo chucked and licked the frosting off his lips. "HEY I WANNA EATTTT CAKE!" Mikey wined and Master Splinter elbowed him. "Oh but I'm to busy." Raph said and pulled leo into a sweet kiss. "Mmmmm" Raph muffled into the kiss just to annoy his younger brother.

A camera flash went off. Raph pulled back, "okay okay let's sever are poor starving family members." Leo said Raph whined. They finished serving the cake and sat down and talked, it was a simple wedding but it was magical. It was perfect.
Hey y'all! It's me Kat! Thank you so much for following me and stuff I really appreciate it and stuff so thank you!

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