Love at First sight

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Leo skid to a stop. "Raph! Hold up!" Leo shouted. Raphael slowly stopped. "Ya?" Raph asked walking over to his mate. Leo began walking. Raph followed. A single sack sitting in a old subway tunnel, resting on the cold concrete floor, in the moon light. It stirred slightly. Pausing, both looked at each other.

"What is it?" Raph asked leo shrugged "what ever it is it's alive." Leo drew his katana, just in case. Raph slowly drew his sais. Leo slowly bent down opening the sac, leo gasped.

"Raph," leo said with a shaky voice. Raph looked over Leo's shoulder. Raph gasped. Leo held a small mutant baby in his arms. It was extremely skinny, it was a small baby girl, she had green eyes with cat pupils. She had pale skin and very short black hair, her ears laid flat and her tail was in between her legs, she wasn't shy of 1. She hissed at leo as he slowly picked up the naked child.

"Shh, baby it's okay," leo held her gently. The girl looked scared she squirmed in Leo's arms but soon gave up. Her eyes were heavy, she was weak and she wanted to sleep but was to scared to fall asleep.

Leo could see this and slowly rocked the girl trying to get her to sleep. The girl fought to stay awake but failed she soon fell asleep in Leo's warm embrace.

" you think it's one of those kids...on the news? A experiment.." Raph asked quietly. "I...I don't know. Could be, we need to get her to Donnie she isn't looking to good."

Raph nodded texting everyone to go back to the lair. Leo stared down at the girl with a small smile. "She's beautiful. I love her eyes." Raph nodded "She is...very." Raph smiled.

Leo and Raph slowly walked to the lair having a quiet conversation careful not to wake the baby. "You look like a natural." Raph said kissing Leo's cheek. Leo chuckled. "I wish we could have kids sometimes."

Raph nodded. "Me too." There was a comfortable moment of silence. "Maybe when she gets better we can't take her back to her parents." Raph said thoughtfully. leo nodded "She's a mutant. But we can try." Leo smiled looking down.

"You go first." leo said as they walked up to the lair. Raph walked into the lair everyone was sitting on the couch talking. April looked up and smiled "hey guys- What's that?" She asked looking at the small body in Leo's arms.

"We found her in a subway tunnel. we think she's one of the kids from the news." Leo said with a slight shrug "But she needs medical attention fist and lost of food." Leo said firmly and obviously stating he wasn't gonna let her go until she was heathy enough.

Everyone was on there feet walking over to Leo towering over the small baby. "Leo, you know this is gonna be a long process, we should probably deliver her home now," Donnie said persuasively.

Leo looked down at her. "okay." He nodded feeling kinda sad. "okay." he said once more. Donnie got a blanket for the girl. "I will go look at all the children who were taken and we'll get her home." Leo nodded.

He sat down on the couch. "she's tiny, how old do you think she is?" Miley asked sitting down next to Leo closely to see the girl. Raph growled under his breath. Miley was too close to his husband. April plopped down on the other side of Leo to see the baby, then Casey towered over Leo from behind the couch.

Raph clenched his fist slightly. "I do not believe he will leave your side for anyone anytime soon." Splinter said coming out of no where, Raph jumped he turned his head looking at his father who now stood by his side.

"I know he won't," Raph said quietly. "then why are you upset by this..?" Splinter asked glancing at Leo and back. "I don't just feel like he might be taken from me by someone.." Raph said trying not to think about that day if it were to come.

Splinter nodded. "he loves you. don't forget that my son." with that he walked towards Leo to see the baby.

Donnie then walked up to Raph. "I found her parents."

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