Chapter 2

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"What kind of accident?" I asked

"Just come to the hospital, ask for Cindy. That's me, I will explain everything." and then she hung up.

"Who was that?" Asked Tessa


"What? Who is that?" I didn't even respond to Tessa. I just ran towards the door and out to my car. There was an accident, obviously somebody I know, deeply care about, love unconditionally, and somebody that has a impact on my life. I drive to the hospital not even focusing on the speed limit.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Cindy" I ask the young man. He doesn't look old enough to even be a nurse/doctor. Whatever he is.

"Ahh, friend of hers?" His eyes were a chocolate brown. Very pretty.

"Something like that." I add with a chuckle.

"This way, yeah?" I follow him with no hesitation.

"Cindy! Get your fat butt out here now!" Wow, he's bossy

"What do you want Toby?" Toby. That name sounds really familiar.

"This girl is looking for you. She just ran in calling for your name."

"Are you Kaylee?" Cindy spoke.

"Yes, you called and said there was an accident, what kind, who? When? Where? Ho-"

"It's Clay." And with that, my whole world stopped.

"He was driving... Drunk. Missed a stop sign, and hit a car. He is in surgery right now. I don't know how he is doing, we aren't aloud to do personal calls. But, I know Clays parents. And Clay is like a son to me. I also knew you too were close."

"What? No! Your Lying. This can't be true!" It can't be.

"I'm afraid it is."

*5 hours Later*

"Kaylee" my name has been called. Answer. I want to. But I can't. I just stand. And wipe the tears off my checks.
I remember when I was younger how my dad always said "BIG GIRLS NEVER CRY". He always said that when I was always down and depressed. Loosing my dad was tough, and loosing Clay?? I don't think I could take it. I couldn't function.

"Are you Kaylee??" Asked the Doctor.
I just shook my head.

"Well, I am Doctor Evan. I did the surgery on your loved one."

"Is, is he okay??"

"He is stable, but there was some complications during the procedure."

"What complications?"

"Clay got hit pretty hard. He lost quite a lot of blood. What I'm trying to say is, Clays heart stopped. But we managed to get it back going again. And like I said, he is stable and trying to wake up."

"Thank you, how long tile he wakes up?"

"It could be Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, or months. It all just depends on him now, to live; or to die. you may go see him. Room 318"

Room 318, again. That's the same exact room. Same exact room Dad died in. Please don't have Clay die please.

Day 1: all I have done is sit by Clays bed and stared at him, holding his hand. Never leaving his side. Listening to the heart monitor calculate his blood pressure and heart beat. Nothing has changed. The doctors have came in and offered me something to drink or to eat. I didn't except it.

Day 2: Day 2 was hard. He hasn't moved. Nothing has changed.

Week 1: nothing has changed. Few people have came and gone. But I haven't left. I won't until he wakes up. And I won't loose hope. Just like I did with dad.

The next day, I was just sitting there. Admiring his features. The way his faced looked when he was asleep. I miss him. I miss his talk, laugh, smile, jokes, and so much more.
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
Those are the only sounds I have heard the past couple of weeks. I can't loose hope. I can't. But I am. Why am I?
The next second doctors start coming into the room and asking questions about Clays family, witch were in Santa Monica. Then they asked
"do you know if he wanted to me buried or cremated"

"Neither." I spoke. "He's going to wake up. I can feel it". I then put my head on my elbow and turning my eyes towards Clay.
That's how Dad looked. And that's how Clay looks.
I ended up falling asleep a little bit later. It's The most sleep I have had in ages.


"daddy!" I spoke as I ran into his hospital room.

"Hello my darling, how are you?"

"I'm fine, when are you coming home daddy! Mommy won't stop. Crying herself to sleep every night because you aren't there to fight off the bad guys." My mom and dad shared a glance I couldn't catch fast enough.

"I'm afraid I'm not coming home my love"

"What? Why?"

"See, a couple months ago I got Really sick, I couldn't eat or stand up. So I went to the doctors. I had cancer." He paused. "Do you know what cancer is?"
I shook my head. "It's a really bad sickness. Nobody hardly gets over it."

"But I know you can dad! I believe in you!"

"I'm afraid not honey."

I woke up. Startled. Scared. Sad. Emotional.

I stood up and looked out the window. Lights. That's all I see. It was 11 pm, nobody is awake at this time. But I was. And I was waiting for somebody to wake up. I never knew I liked clay this much, but I do. I truly do. Is it too late? Will I get to say a goodbye? I hope so. But yet, I don't like goodbyes.

Okay... So I have like been busy, and Hungry. Bring me McDonalds😏

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