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Does your school have those popular girls? Same here. They always look perfect. And for some odd reason you just anomaticly hate their guts!

"Mom.. I'm home"
School has been so stressful lately! Between friends, family, dance, and Homework?!? Holy crap! When the school wants you to be smart they shouldn't spring lots of homework on you! Like who does that? The school obviously..
"Kaylee, how was school"? My mom asked
"Fine. Stressful. Like always" I replied with a sigh.
"Just wait. It will get better"
"Whatever. I'm gonna go do homework"
I go down my stairs that leads to my room. My mom has spoiled me these past 13-16 years but it's not a serious spoil! The only reason why she does is because of my father. He is drunkie.. He chooses beer over his children, abuses people, and he has never grown up from his Teenage years. which my mom does not like. He refused to pay child support so my mom had to go to court and they had to pull it out of his paycheck.. But I don't care anymore. He is done and out of my life. When I start my homework I get a snapchat from Clay. Clay and I have been friends ever since birth! Clay has a girlfriend who is really sweet! Her name is Angie. She has the brightest smile a guy could ever ask for! She has short blond hair that is in a Sassy A-cut. I open it and he wants to hangout. So I reply with a weird selfie with a simple yes. And call it good. Clay called me and he ended up coming over.
"Hey shreck" the first words he says to me.. Is that.
"Shut up phionna"
He put a hand on his heart to "act" like I hurt his feelings. We went up to my room and started doing homework
*1 hour later*
Clay and I stared getting Hungary so we decided to go get pizza. It was a nice day so we decided to walk it was only half of a mile. We finally got to the pizza cafe, Clay opened the door for me. The first thing you smelled is sweat, and pizza it's a odd smell.. The people who were in there were the pizza cookers and the gang members from our school.. Clay was instantly by my side. Clay was like a brother to me. We just had different parents. We went up to the cashier.
Pizza Dude: "What would you like to eat" he said in a really annoying voice
I already hate him
"Yeah, we will take a number 2 cheese with bread sticks please" Clay spoke up
"Okay, $4.50 please"
Clay handed him the cash, a couple minutes later the annoying guy(which I hate) handed us our pizza
"Thank you" Clay and I both said
The pizza guy just shrugged and walked away.. Whatever
Me and Clay ate our pizza at the pizza cafe. After we were done eating we went back to my house.
"Where did you guys go" my mom called from the kitchen
"The pizza cafe" Clay responded
"OH! Hello Clay! How are you! Long time no see!"
"Hello Mrs. Cox, I'm good and yes it has been" Clay responded
My mom and Clays dad used to date back in their teenage years, they are still close but not as much when my dad used to live with us. Rodger thinks it's weird coming over with my father not here. So does Clays mom, Carla she always makes up this weird thing saying my mom will get all over Rodger then kiss him and all that stuff, so he doesn't come around hardly anymore.
"Well I am going downstairs" I spoke finally after a minute of silence
"Okay! You too don't do anything stupid!" My mom yelled
"Mom.. Seriously! We're just friends!"
We finish the last step and go and lay on my bed.
"So.. geuss what" Clay said with a hint of hurt ness in his voice
"What??" I turn on my side to look at him
"Angie called it quits"
"What?!? Why! You guys were so good for eachother!"
"She technically said 'if your going to hangout with that slut then we are done and ever since you have been with her lately you seem more interested in her then me' so I choose you. She can't choose my friends.. She can't. It doesn't work like that!" Clay spoke
I stayed silent
"Kaylee, say something"
"Clay.. I don't know what to say"
Clay just sighed..
"Well I do, Kaylee.. I'm growing feelings for you"
Feelings?!?! No, that can't happen. We're just friends! Could we be more then friends?!? No. It will ruin our friendship.
Later on Clay went home and I still had what he told me about Angie earlier on my mind.. And about his feelings. I so do not want to go to school tomorrow..

A/N: So this book is going to be slow updating! And I am on my phone so it may be short chapters but it's long for me in my phone! Thanks for reading! Xoxo

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