―v. naomi sets off on a quest with two amateurs and an amnesiac (gods help her)

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SLEEP FOUGHT NAOMI WITH A VENGEANCE. She'd had a plan as she walked back from the campfire: she'd pack her bag then go straight to sleep so she'd be well-rested for her upcoming quest.

Apparently Naomi's body had other ideas.

She spent a solid hour staring into the darkness above her, trying to force her brain to quiet down and let her sleep, but it was a losing battle.

It was a few minutes before midnight when Naomi got back out of bed. She grabbed Percy's hoodie and let the shadows take her away, landing several cabins away in an empty cabin that smelled like the sea.

The only light in the cabin was what came in from the moonlight outside, but Naomi had no trouble navigating. She made her way out of the corner and sat down on the unmade bunk, drawing her legs up to hug them to her chest.

A few minutes later, she heard a soft voice: "Figured I'd find you here."

Naomi looked up, not even remotely surprised as Annabeth appeared at the foot of Percy's bunk. She hung her Yankees cap on the bedpost and sat down next to Naomi.

"Couldn't sleep?" Annabeth asked, sitting down on the bed next to her. The sheets were cold now, but Annabeth was warm. Naomi leaned her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, some of the tension leaving her.

"No," Naomi answered in a mumble. "I can't stop thinking about everything—Percy, Hera, this quest. And that prophecy—what was that?"

"I don't know," Annabeth admitted. Naomi knew she hated saying those words. "But I don't like the idea of you going on a quest without me or Percy."

Naomi hummed in agreement. "Is it bad that I kind of want to back out?"

"Is it bad that I want you to back out?" Annabeth murmured.

Naomi sighed softly. "This quest is going to be a disaster."

"You say that like any of our quests weren't," Annabeth said, a hint of a laugh in her voice.

Naomi smiled a little. "I wonder if Jason'll pick a fight with a god," she mused. "Or maybe we'll meet a newly re-formed Medusa."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "As long as you don't go taking any Thrill Rides O' Love with anyone else."

Naomi laughed, and it felt good, even if it made her feel a little guilty, sitting on their missing boyfriend's bed. "Never," she promised.

"And if Leo tries to hit on you, let me know so I can break his nose," Annabeth said.

"You're cute when you're jealous," Naomi teased.

"Jealousy would imply he stood a chance," Annabeth said.

Naomi smiled, leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend just because she could. It was a gift she doubted she'd ever take for granted. "He most certainly does not."

"You're a heartbreaker, Buttercup," Annabeth whispered. "Come on—you need to sleep."

"I'm not sure I can," Naomi mumbled.

"If nothing else, just lay down and close your eyes," Annabeth said. "I'll be here all night."

Naomi's face felt warm. They hadn't really gotten to the sleeping-in-the-same-bed stage of their relationship yet, though Naomi wasn't about to complain.

They both slipped under Percy's covers, the lingering smell of the ocean a much-needed comfort.

From behind, Annabeth curled an arm around Naomi's waist. The ever-present butterflies in Naomi's stomach started a rave as Annabeth pulled her closer.

This Cold Year ― Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase²Where stories live. Discover now