―xiv. naomi forgets how to give a fu―

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THINGS WENT WRONG ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. Piper scrambled along the ridge, trying to keep her head down, while Naomi, Leo, Jason, and Hedge walked straight into the clearing. As Piper went, Naomi bent the shadows around her, trying to keep it subtle but effective, which was a bit hard to do with the raging bonfire shedding light on just about every part of the mountaintop, but she just barely managed it.

Jason summoned his golden lance. He brandished it over his head and yelled, "Giant!"

Enceladus stopped chanting at the flames. He turned toward them and grinned, revealing fangs like daggers in his mouth.

"Well," the giant rumbled. "What a nice surprise."

In her peripheral, Naomi saw Leo inch toward the bulldozer.

Coach Hedge shouted, "Let the movie star go, you big ugly cupcake! Or I'm gonna plant my hoof right up your—"

"Coach," Jason said. "Shut up."

Enceladus roared with laughter. "I've forgotten how funny satyrs are. When we rule the world, I think I'll keep your kind around. You can entertain me while I eat all the other mortals."

"Is that a compliment?" Hedge frowned at Leo. "I don't think that was a compliment."

Enceladus opened his mouth wide, and his teeth began to glow.

"Scatter!" Leo yelled.

Jason and Hedge dove left as Naomi and Leo dove right, taking cover behind the bulldozer. Leo wound up some sort of device in his hand, dropping it into the driver's seat. Then he ran to the right, heading for the tree harvester.

At least someone has a plan.

Naomi summoned Hemlock and Asphodel and ran to join as Jason charged the giant. Before they could get very far, though, Enceladus slammed his spear against the ground. The entire mountain shook.

The shockwave sent them all sprawling. Naomi's breath was knocked out of her. She blinked, trying to re-gather her bearings. Through the haze of grassfire and bitter smoke, she saw Jason staggering to his feet on the other side of the clearing. Coach Hedge was knocked out cold—oof.

In the chaos, Naomi's shadows had dropped from around Piper.

The giant bellowed, "I see you, Piper McLean!" He turned and blew fire at a line of bushes. Piper ran into the clearing, the underbrush burning behind her.

Enceladus laughed. "I'm happy you've arrived. And you brought me my prizes!"

Naomi's throat felt tight. This was the moment the trap became a cage.

Leo's expression was tight, and the giant took notice. He laughed even louder. "That's right, son of Hephaestus. I didn't expect you all to stay alive this long, but it doesn't matter. By bringing you here, Piper McLean has sealed the deal. If she betrays you, I'm as good as my word. She can take her father and go. What do I care about a movie star?"

Naomi could see Tristan McLean clearly now. He wore a ragged dress shirt and torn slacks. His bare feet were caked with mud. He wasn't completely unconscious, because he lifted his head and groaned—yeah, definitely Tristan McLean. Naomi had seen his face on enough posters in Cabin Ten to recognize him easily. But he had a nasty cut down the side of his face, and he looked thin and sickly—nothing like the hero he so often played.

"Dad!" Piper yelled.

Mr. McLean blinked, trying to focus. "Pipes...? Where..."

Piper drew her dagger and faced Enceladus. "Let him go!"

This Cold Year ― Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase²Where stories live. Discover now