The Reunion and The Meeting

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The curtain fell and I was still beaming with energy. Performing was a feeling I would never get over and I still couldn't believe that happened. All of the chorus girls and Meg ran on stage, piling me into hugs exclaiming 'Christine that was unbelievable!,' 'that was beautiful!', 'I can't believe it!"

 But we all silenced as Madame Giry banged her cane to the ground grabbing our attention.

"Yes, you did well. He will be pleased," she stated smiling at me and placing her hand under my chin. I smiled brightly as I thought of my Angel being pleased with my first performance. 

"And you..." she started again looking to all the dancers, "you were a disgrace! Such rom de jambe! Such tom de quise! Come! We rehearse now!" she was clearly upset with the dancers and I took this as my que to leave back to the dressing room. As I was walking I heard an angelic voice sing to me...


I stopped to look around but I noticed nothing. I entered my room still in a daze. My Angel was proud of me, I could feel it. I heard a knock at my door with a voice yelling from behind. "Christine! Christine!" It was Meg and I walked over to the door to open it. Her calling to me was followed by the voice again


A feeling of de ja vú came over to me and I tried to recall why I felt that way. But my thoughts were interrupted by a wild Meg throwing her arms around me. 

"Where in the world have you been hiding? Oh, never mind that you were obviously in here but, oh Christine you were perfect tonight. I could only wish I could sing like you! Who is this teacher of yours?" I smile at her and hug her back. I'm happy knowing I made Meg proud of me.

"Meg, do you remember when I told you about my father promising me the Angel of Music was to come to me?" I ask her, she nods her head.

 "Yes but that can't be true. The Angel doesn't exist!" she exclaims. I know it seems impossible, but who else could it be? I have to try and convince her. 

"No, Meg! I'm serious. Here in this room and everywhere he calls to me. Sings to me! Ever since I was 10 he has given me lessons. To sing, to read music! He is a genius!" I explain but she only shakes her head at me. 

"Christine, you can't be serious," she says.

"But he is, I sense him even now," I say feeling the presence of his being now in the room.

 "Your hands are cold, and your face is white. This isn't healthy Christine," Meg says turning my face to meet hers. "I'm scared Meg!" I say taking her hands. 

Sometimes it is scaring knowing there is someone watching over me. This voice just appeared in the night, often I wondered who it could be.

"Don't be frightened!" Meg assured me but we are cut off when we notice Madame Giry has entered the room.

"Meg Giry..." she states sternly, "are you a dancer?" she questions. Meg opens her mouth to speak but decides against it and looks down. 

"Then go and practice," Meg looks over to me and quickly leaves the room. 

"My dear," Madame Giry starts again, she hands over a note to me. 

"I was asked to give you this."

 I don't see a name other than my own on the outside of the envelope.

 "Thank you" I say to her and she leaves the room.

I sit down and open the letter. Feeling more confused than before, it simply states a couple of words that don't make an actual message. 

"A red scarf, the attic, Little Lotte?" I mutter quietly to myself. What could that possibly mean? I change out of my clothes and put a more comfortable and lighter dress on. I tie a robe around me because it is quite chilly tonight. I sit down at the mirror and begin to take the pins out of my hair to take the headpiece from the costume out. I hear a light knock at the door and I yell "Come in!"

A young man in his early twenties walks in and I must say he is rather handsome. He is tall with deep brown eyes, perfect teeth, and dirty blonde hair. He seems familiar but I can't say how. 

"Christine Daae. Where is your red scarf?" he asks.

 "Monsieur?" I question.

 "Well you can't have lost it. I was just 14 and soaked to the skin trying to save it," he continued and that is when I remembered.

"Because you had run into the sea to fetch my scarf! Oh Raoul so it is you!" I exclaim, he handed me a beautiful red rose and looked to me.

 "Little Lotte let her mind wander..." he started reciting the stories we used to share with one another.

 "You remember that too!" I exclaim admiring the rose. 

"Little Lotte thought am I fonder of dolls? Or of goblins, or shoes, or riddles of frocks?" I giggled along with him. 

"Those picnics in the attic?" he said looking at me. 

"Father playing the violin..." I said quietly looking down. Those memories were the best.

 "No what I loved best, Little Lotte said, is when I'm asleep in my bed and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head." 

He bent down to now be eye level with me and gave me a warm smile.

 "Father said 'when I'm in heaven child, I will send the Angel of Music to you'. Well, father is dead Raoul, and I have been visited by the Angel of Music." I explain, seeing a slight sadness in his eyes at the news of my father's passing.

 "No doubt of it, now we go to supper." What no! He thinks I'm joking. 

"Raoul no! The Angel is very strict," I said trying to convince him to let me stay. 

"I shan't keep you up late."

 "No Raoul, no." 

"You must change and I must get my hat," He said now standing up and walking to the door. 

"Two minutes, Little Lotte," He said before exiting the room. "Raoul!" But he wouldn't listen to me. 

"Things have changed Raoul," I mumble, placing my head in my hands.

A loud crash rings out and every candle is blown out in my room. Then, my Angel speaks with an angry tone.

 "Insolent boy! How dare he barge in here thinking he can take you from me! Does he not understand that I am the one who has done all for you!? Ignorant fool this brave young suitor! Sharing in my triumph!" The Angel yells, causing me to feel scared. A sudden thought rushes through my mind, as I feel this has happened before. 

 "Angel I hear you. I am sorry, I promise. My soul was weak, he was an old friend from my past, you must understand. Please, come to me, forgive me," I stammer hoping he understands. 

"Flattering child... now is the time you'll shall know me. You shall see why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there, come to me."

 I stand to the full length mirror in the room. And there an image of a tall man is there, stark white porcelain across his face. Is that really him? My Angel behind the mirror?

 "Angel of Music! You are my guide and guardian! Please, let me come to you!" I say to him and he opens the mirror. 

"I am your Angel of Music, come to me."

He holds out his hand and I become transfixed by the man now guiding me to an unknown world.

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