the intro for a requiem

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❤𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 ❤

A gasp of surprise left the bear-like mans' mouth as a steel chain wrapped around his thick body, swooping him into the air. His companions were fast to catch on as the pink haired one attached one of her threads to his lower calf.

The man bore the 11th spider tattoo, his captor bearing those delicate eyes. Seeing as Uvogin was physically the strongest in the group you'd think he would be able to break out of the chains. The Shadow beast had been previously slaughtered, leaving Uvogin affected with the poison. His immobile state left him helpless and vulnerable against the pessimistic kidnapper.

The troupe followed, 5 of them to be exact. The kidnappers had caught on to their plan and disconnected the thread, Being only a few meters away from their car the following problem wasn't an issue. Soon someone had jumped on their car, a giant cloth following. Most of them escaped except for Nobunaga. He was in a bad position, being in between Machi and Feitan in the middle.

I don't want to bore you with something you've already watched, obviously they kicked the remaining shadow beasts asses.


"Wow, this is so cute" Neon spoke in a ditzy voice, showing you the wig she was holding in her hands. Her two guards suggested they get going soon, she wasn't very pleased. We had sat down for a little break, Neon asking if I wanted anything. A polite decline.

Neon had told her guards that she was going into the bathroom, alone. All of us were a little skeptical about it but her persistent begging led us to cave in. She was taking unusually long, me and her other female guards went to go check up on her and to our horror she wasn't there.

The blue haired female stomped out of the store, the thought of her father lying to her wasn't pleasant. Only a few meters away stood a man, he held a picture of her.

'Yes, this is her'

Melody had called Kurapika informing him of the Boss's run away. We had whittled it down that she had put on a wig in the bathroom and left without us noticing. Now Neon wasn't exactly the smartest person, nor the strongest. Getting worried for her whereabouts was only natural. Kurapika had an idea as to where she was heading, the auction. This was perfect in its own twisted way.

"Miss Melody, I was planning on going to the auction today anyway. I could keep and eye out for her if you would want, no issue"

The guards had stared at me, a nod confirming the answer. I wanted to find her as soon as I could, immediately leaving and began my way.

"Thanks, i had no clue how i was going to get past that gate!" The female spoke looking back at the guards. "Happy to be at your service," his voice was soothing and calm. It had worked.

you had hopped into a car, your silky black dress reflected the lights. Getting to the auction was my top priority, Neon's safety was pertinent. The auction guards had checked your ID and you drove in, the car leaving a soft hum.

The inside of the auction house was beautiful. The carpet was a nice ruby, golden hues in the wall really brought it out. A strong scent of class was wafting through the air. After doing what you needed to do at the counter you began your way, starting with a peaceful elevator ride.

At that very moment Neon had just passed out in the halls, her limp body in a pair of muscular arms. He yelled at the guards which quickly responded. His plan had worked. Chrollo had successfully infiltrated the place, now it shall begin.


•another day• (Chrollo x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now