sickly my dear?

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              𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜
          𝙾𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍'𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜

The week passed in a blink of an eye, it was currently Saturday afternoon. You were planting some flowers in your front yard. You had developed a small fever and so you thought that staying home that day would be the best option. The soil on your property was dry af. So you had to get some bags from the store and add that as a top layer.

You had been planning to do this for a while so you already had all the supplies you needed. The previous weeks you had interrogated Chrollo on what his favorite flowers were. Quite a hassle, but you managed to get his prefered color of flowers. With that knowledge under your belt, you picked up some roses and a few red spider lilies. You had finally gotten the soil under control and it was now time to plant them. You decided to plant four on each side of your doorstep. The red and green contrasted well with your dark gray house.

After you had gotten done planting the flowers you began to clean your house. You’d think that since i was going to stay home all day that i might relax, boy are you wrong. Cleaning was a go to thing when you were bored, a very hard trait to develop. Dusting and scrubbing the house down had taken almost 2 hours. You were just getting started.  In the end your house was spotless. You finished up the day with an antique white vase full of roses. With a sigh of relief that you had actually cleaned the house you fell into your bed. Almost immediately you fell asleep, your soft snores filled the room.

         It was morning time already? You practically dragged yourself out of bed, getting ready to meet chrollo at the cafe. After a long shower you had felt a little better, but you still felt a little drowsy. But was a little fever going to stop you? No. tapping the top of your shoes, you opened the door and walked out. Walking to the cafe was usually really nice. But as previously stated, you didn’t feel too well. After finally making it there you saw chrollo already sitting down, enjoying a cup of steaming coffee. You tried to sneak up on him but just as you were about to scare him he turned to look at you. “Ah, good morning y/n,” sigh, one of these days I’ll get him. You sat down and ordered the usual, just eager to talk to chrollo. You both chatted, boy was it ever nice. Since last week Hisoka joined us we didn’t really get the chance to talk one on one. It was a nice morning, a little chilly but just warm enough for a t-shirt. Eventually you both finished your meals, well chrollo finished his coffee. You both were currently getting ready to go, but when you stood up you felt a wave of heat just hit you. Black and white spots started clouding your vision. You tried reading for the table but your hand never met it. You fell, luckily chrollo caught you before you could hit the floor. A worried look was held on his face as he felt your forehead. It was burning hot. Your eyes were slowly opening, your chest rising and falling with each breath. “Ah, i’m sorry c..chrollo.” you breathed out, trying to stand but still a little droopy. “I should probably go home,” you looked at him tiredly, trying to wave goodbye. But as you lifted your hand up, Chrollo grabbed your wrist and picked you up. Bridal style. You were too delusional to realize what was happening. “I can take you home. What's your address?” he asked in a calm but stern tone. His eyes locked with your hazy ones, your red face in his peripheral vision.

You wheezed out your address and he started carrying you there. He sped/walked, trying not to hurt you in his arms. You were so delicate to him, like a petal on a newly budded rose. He soon arrived at your house, opening the door and trying to find your bed. After finally finding it he set you down, so delicately. You were completely passed out by then. Chrollo went to your kitchen and got a rag and a bowl of water so he could care for you. While he was filling up the bowl with water he looked out the window.

It was an overview of the flowers in your front yard. He saw them neatly planted in a row. He knew that those were the ones he liked, to be honest,he found it adorable. After the bowl had finally filled up, he brought it to your room and started dabbing your forehead with the cloth. He took care of you for about 3 hours. Chrollo didn’t mind though, this was one of the first times he actually cared about someone being hurt. Well, besides himself at least. I mean, not a lot of mob bosses really care about anyone besides themselves.

       You had awoken, your eyes fluttered open. Not believing the sight of chrollo you held up your hand and caressed his face. That made him look up from the book and give you a small smile. “Chrollo, what are you doing here?” you asked, worried that you had hurt yourself bad. He only gave a small chuckle and removed the rag from your forehead, allowing you to sit up. “You had a fever, so I brought you home." After hearing that you immediately shot up and looked at him wide-eyed. “Oh my, I'm sorry! You didn’t have to,” “but I wanted to.” you stopped, eyes met his beautiful grey orbs. A big smile grew on your face. “Chrollo, you're really nice. You know that?” oh the little you knew of all the deaths that every man has caused. Chrollo Lucilfer, leader of the phantom troupe. Murderer of thousands and thief of millions. Sitting right next to this almost nen-less girl, taking care of her. What a sight to see, some wouldn’t even believe it to be true. 

    For the past few days Chrollo had been taking care of you. Even when you felt better he still insisted that your forehead felt hot. What a sweetheart he can be. You guys had watched a few movies, your favorite out of all of them was ‘Coraline’ by far. Chrollo would come early in the morning and leave just before midnight, never once staying the night. That worried you a bit, I mean you didn’t mind him helping you and all, but it worried you. Chrollo was currently sitting next to you, you guys were watching another movie. He had a bit of a tired look in his grey orbs, but still full of energy. You were wrapped up in a bundle of blankets, sitting next to him. You eyed him, his arms draped over the top of the sofa. You were just about to avert your attention back to the TV, but something caught your eye. His arms were laying perfectly over the couch leaving just enough space for you to climb in. You took that as an opportunity and slipped in. chrollo eyed you down nervously as you slipped under his arm and next to him. Your fair hands rested on his chest, his heart beat increasing slightly. He had never felt this way about a person before. Even a girl at that. You were just innocently snuggling him. But oh how so uninnocent the things he was thinking about. The fuzzy thoughts filled his mind like milk, his arm slowly fell down and planted on your waist. His hands slightly gripped you, pulling you closer. maybe he was afraid of losing you, maybe he was letting these dirty thoughts take over his actions. No one knew the thoughts of Chrollo lucilfer that night. It was probably for the best.


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