Lost in my past

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So the next day it was time for the class introductions. Shu got up from his bed getting dressed before heading downstairs. His mother made him breakfast before leaving for work saying he should cook dinner later. Shu then locked the door shoving the keys into his pockets. He reached the school at six o'clock with no one there except him. "I think i got here to early" he thought shaking his head. "Well it can't be helped". He walked to the bey room thinking of tidying the place even a little. When he arrived he rolled up his sleeves started throwing out some trash from the corners before grabbing a cloth in the nearby table he then started taking dust of the stadium and wiping it with the cloth. It took him forty to fifty minutes before finishing. He heard footsteps out the door then Lui came in. They stared at each other for a few minutes while the blue haired looked at the albino who has dust all over his clothes and was holding a trash bag. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Got a little carried away with cleaning" the albino said dusting his clothes. Lui put down his bag handing Shu a key. Shu then tilted his head as lui spoke "I have an extra uniform in my locker go get it" he said. Shu made a shock face trying to process what Lui just said. "Wait- What?!? Is this really Lui who im talking to?!. You mean the cold hearted one who crushed his enemies without caring for their feelings and emotions?" Shu thought trying to calm himself. "Uhh. Lui is that really you?" the albino blurted out making the other blush. "Hurry up or I'll change my mind!!" Lui yelled throwing the keys at shu. the boy catched it giving a small smile. "But still thanks" Shu said grabbing his bags exiting the room. "And by the way.." the albino came back facing Lui. "feel free to use this room but don't make a mess" he said finally leaving giving a small grin. Lui's head was storming with a lot of emotions but still kept his cool "Whatever" he muttered grabbing luinor from his bag.

Shu went to the locker rooms trying to find where Lui's locker is. He hadn't got his own yet since they say there are gonna be dorms. So he just planned putting all his stuff there bringing all his books in his bag not to cause trouble for his mom paying for it. After a while on searching he found it. Shu opened it looking for the uniform. "Lui's locker is surprisingly clean" Shu thought grabbing the clothing while closing the door. He went to the bathroom inside the locker room to get changed. After he got out Putting the dirty clothes inside his bag he went straight to his class. He got separated classes from the beyclub except for PE because each grade share the same gym. And he can meet them at lunch or after school so he doesn't mind. He walked the long halls finally reaching his class at the end of the floor near the stairs. He took a deep breath getting a little nervous while opening the door then everyone stared at him. Shu gulped taking a seat in the corner while he heard a familiar voice. "Sup Shu!!" Katana said patting the others shoulder as shinki approached them with Gou behind him. "Oh thank god you guys are here im starting to freak out" Shu said sighing making Gou chuckle. They talked for a while before the teacher went in he was wearing a loose jacket and a suit inside it with black pants. "He seems to be the lazy type" shu muttered as the man introduced himself "Im Saito Hasegawa and gonna be your homeroom teacher for this year. So if you have questions concerning the school come to me you can also meet me in the faculty room next to the boys bathroom in the end of the hall" He said. As a certain boy went in with sweat all over his face sitting beside Gou. "What the heck Lui?! Your sweating all over. what happened?" the taller asked as lui made a tch sound looking away. "Mr. Shirasagi know your time" the teacher said as another person went through the door. "Also for you Ms. Ogawa we've been through this last year. Get to your classes on time" he said as a brunette laughed sheepishly and sat beside shu who was shocked. "I thought you are with Valt and the others?" shu said as the girl smiled. "Well i can't leave you alone can i" she said smirking. "And you have the most interesting class ever. Now that the former rideout is here"

"Oh sure" Shu said a little confused but happy at the same time while he turned back to the teacher.
"Whatever do what you want" The man yawned saying we can talk for a bit but don't mess the classroom. Well everyone obeyed getting out of their chairs forming a circle while staring at each other for a few minutes. "Uhh.." a boy said "This is getting awkward"

Blooming of our love (Lui x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now