Training (Part 3 of 5) Cont.

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I'm back with another chapter. Thank you guys so much for giving me this many reads. 300 in one day. Thank you again!

Author P.O.V

Izuku is seen training with Essence. He is trying to make clones out of darkness. He fails, and tries again. For the 100th time, he fails.

"RRRGGH, why is this not working?" Izuku asks Essence.

Meditate. Bring me out. Think of happy thoughts.

"That is exactly the problem. I. Don't. HAVE ANY!!!" He yells this last part.

Izuku starts thinking of how he was too weak to protect himself. Now he would change that. He imagined all his dark thoughts leaving his body and becoming one solid clone. He did not make just one clone, but many. The clones were not all made out of darkness, either. He saw ones made out of air, water, fire, earth, light, and energy. He was amazed.

"Did-Did I do that?" He questioned.

OH MY- Yes, yes you did. It appears you can not only make clones, but control elements. Now, we are going to try to conjure spells and make portals, okay?

"Fine by me!" Izuku answered.

He checked his dark magic book. He started to draw symbols in the air. They were blood red. Two circles filled with symbols appeared in front of his hands. A portal opened.

Izuku stepped through the portal

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Izuku stepped through the portal. He reappeared 500 meters away.

Now. Imagine having that portal inside your body. That way you can teleport yourself without needing to open portals.

Izuku thought about it, and thought about spreading the portal throughout his body (Kind of like full cowling but with portal energy). His body started to glow red and black.

Think of where you want to go. Think of it clearly in your mind.

Suddenly, the entire world they were in changed. It looked like they were at the quirk doctor's hospital. Izuku started teleporting around.

This-This is amazing! It looks as if you are able to conjure illusions as well! Try running instead of teleporting. The black magic should boost your speed and strength.

Izuku tried it, and ran about Mach 40. He tried punching a wall, but the entire building crumbled.

"This power is unreal! I am so much stronger than As-All Might now!" Izuku praised. "I think I will call it Power Mode!"

Good job. I think your training here is done. It is time for you to go back to your own world.

"Goodbye, Essence!" Izuku called, fading into the darkness.

Goodbye, my pupil.

Real World

Izuku opened his eyes. He was lying on the couch in the living room of the castle. He got up with a groan. He was immediately tackled by a wild Raven.

"Baka baka baka baka!" She berated. "You were out for so long! I thought I lost you!"

"Ummm. I wasn't gone for that long was I? And also, why do you care so much? I only passed out." Izuku said.

"Because I love you." She mumbled into his chest.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that, could you say it again?" Izuku asked.

"I love you, you idiot!" Raven confessed.

"I-I love you too. Does this make us a thing?" Izuku was confused.

"I guess it does." Raven responded, before kissing him full on the lips. Izuku kissed back.

From behind a corner, an anonymous figure smirked. "Finally," it creeped. "Finally they are together. It took them long enough." The figure was none other than...








Lucifer Darkwood.

Finally I got this chapter out. I finally got them together. It took so long to get up to this point. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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