"Page 4"

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🛸Song recommendation:
Juliet - Cavetown

It took a week.
A week of Kuroo staring out the window at the house Kenma would be living in again, just like he always had.
A week of looking around in school, always hoping to spot the familiar outline of a certain someone who was occupying his thoughts day and night.

And a week later he did.
Kuroo was walking down the hallway in the morning, still sleepy but trying to pay attention to his surroundings, the piece of paper clutched in his hand, where he had been carrying it around since the night he wrote it.

Kenma saw him first. And when Kuroo turned around, throwing a look into the direction of the principals office, the golden eyes were already staring back at him.

Kenma was wearing a green hoodie and apparently was not listening to whatever the principal was saying, just nodding from time to time.
His gaze still lingered on Kuroo, who just stood in front of the door, seemingly unable to move.

But they didn't speak when Kenma passed him on the way to his locker.
Kuroo just continued staring at the boy, not knowing what to do.

He had been so sure to make things right, to act and get answers.
But now, standing here with Kenma just a few meters away from him, he froze.

"Hi Kuroo.", Kenma spoke quietly as he turned back and then disappeared into his new classroom.

The bell sounded. Kuroo was supposed to be in class right now.
He should go.
But before he took the few steps to Kenma's locker and pushed the note in through the small opening.

Just like he had done a thousand times before.
It had been kind of their thing. Kuroo writing poems for Kenma who would get shy for a moment before laughing and kissing him.

And Kuroo had grown to love the light in Kenma's eyes while he was reading so much, that he had left a note almost every day.

This was the first one in two years.
Kuroo finally turned around and walked to class.

He searched for Kenma at lunch and found him in his usual position: leaning against the wall of the volleyball hall, playing games on his psp, totally forgetting to eat.

"Did you eat already?", Kuroo asked.

"No, not yet.", Kenma answered, looking up for a second. An invitation.

"Here." Kuroo's voice sounded gentle, as he held half of his sandwich out to Kenma.
Most of the time the gamer just forgot to take lunch with him, so Kuroo had always packed some for him.
Even the last two years, like he was expecting Kenma to just magically show up again, like nothing had happened.

"Thanks." Kenma slowly put his psp into his lap and took the food.
For a few minutes they just sat in silence, chewing and trying not to make it obvious they were checking each other out, looking for difference since they had last seen each other.

Kuroo noticed Kenma's hair was a bit shorter, even though he had always liked it long.
To protect himself from people, as he had always said.

"This is from you, isn't it?"
The smaller boy had reached into his pocket, holding up the note and looking expectantly at Kuroo.

The latter just stared at the words for a while.

"back then you told me you were scared
that I never loved and never cared
you felt like I was here to choose
but the truth is the only thing I ever did was lose."

When they first started dating, Kenma had always felt insecure.
He was small, shy, anxious.
And Kuroo was much different, social and popular, never thinking about what anybody thought about him.
Except Kenma, of course.

And when Kenma spoke about his doubts, he had always tried to reassure him, to tell him there wasn't anything he could ever need as much as he needed Kenma.

But apparently, it hadn't been enough. The other had still felt like Kenma had chosen something over him, when he had tried to avoid it at all costs.
When in reality, he had just lost the thing that mattered most.

"Yeah. Of course it's from me."

"Oh." That was it. Kenma put the note back into his jacket, but at least he didn't run away. Just looked at Kuroo like he was figuring  something out.

"Do you...maybe want to come over today? We could play some video games.", Kuroo suggested, trying to make his voice sound steady.

Kenma seemed to think for a while, before shrugging his shoulders.
"I have to help my parents with the house today. Moving stuff around, you know."

"Then maybe later? There's supposed to be an meteor shower tonight." Kuroo wouldn't give up that easily.

A few moments of silence again. Then Kenma nodded.

"Great! Just come by my house when you're ready." Kuroo could feel a wave of euphoria washing over him. Kenma didn't hate him.
And they were going to hang out again.

"Okay.", Kenma said again reluctantly. "I- I need to go to class now."

"Of course. See you later."

Kuroo got up first, leaving Kenma the rest of his sandwich.
God, he hated himself for not being able to suppress the smile creeping up on his face.

But for the first time in two years, he felt like maybe things could be okay again.
That maybe he could get Kenma back again.

Hope was a foolish thing and it was probably going to come back and bite him in his behind, but in this moment, it seemed worth it.

The corners of his mouth still twitching, Kuroo went back to his class room.

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