"Page 13"

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🛸Song recommendation:
Mystery of love - Sufjan Stevens

They were in love.

Kuroo waited for Kenma every morning to walk him to school.
And he always threw a note into Kenma's locker, even when the other was standing right before it and laughed.

"Beautiful.", Kuroo thought every time.

At lunch they sat together outside the volleyball hall, sharing food and Kenma playing games on his psp, while Kuroo cheered him on.

And of course Kuroo convinced Kenma to keep playing volleyball. As expected the younger quickly discovered the techniques again and Kuroo's chest swoll with pride everytime Kenma just touched the ball.

Most afternoons they spent their time at Kenma's house, just talking or gaming.
Kuroo had to keep himself from crying everytime he looked at Kenma, who was settled in his lap, eyes fixed on the screen.
He had dreamt of these exact moments so often during these two lonely years, it seemed too good to be true.

"Take me to the cherry tree.", Kenma whispered one evening.  "I need to make something right."

Kuroo just smiled to himself, because he exactly knew what Kenma was referring to.

"Of course."

The walked in silence once again, their hands intertwined in between their bodies, Kenma softly squeezing it sometimes.

It had become warmer the past days and even from afar you could see the tree blossom, it's little pink flowers bright against the buildings in the background.

"Show me how to set a ball again."

Kenma chuckled as Kuroo arranged his hands, both exactly knowing what the other wanted.

And Kuroo never could have denied Kenma.

So he slowly leaned down, cupping Kenma's face with one hand, before pressing his lips onto the other's.

Around them, the universe seemed to explode, but there was no sound to be heard, just lips hungry for more.

Kuroo pushed Kenma up against the tree with his back and this time Kenma pulled him closer instead of turning away.

"Kenma?", Kuroo asked, panting after they had broken the kiss for a second.


"This is all I've thought about for the last two years."

"Everything?", Kenma replied, almost mocking Kuroo.

"Shut up.", Kuroo just laughed, before kissing his boyfriend again.

"Or what?"

Kuroo smirked, happy that Kenma seemed to feel good enough about himself to talk like that.

"Or I'll beat you at your game."

"Yeah right.", Kenma snickered.

"I'll prove it to you?"

"Okay, then let's go."

Kuroo grunted quietly, already knowing he'd lose this bet. But it didn't matter because they had so much time and love, they could make a thousand more.

They left, still holding hands.
The tree though would stay there longer, the two letters slowly dispappearing after so many years.
The heart though, would remain there for a long time.

After dinner (where they had made sandwiches and Kuroo cut himself and the kitchen table multiple times, which resulted in Kenma taking care of him) they laid down in Kenma's bed to watch a movie.

Once again though, Kuroo's eyes kept wandering to his boyfriend. Kenma wore one of Kuroo's hoodies, his hair falling into his eyes.
God really had favourites.

So Kuroo held his hair back with one hand, the other under Kenma's shirt, slowly stroking his tummy in circles.
Kenma's lips twitched outwards the whole time, a faint blush on his cheeks.

He was so beautiful and everything seemed so perfect right now and yet every two minutes Kuroo's mind went to a darker place: Kenma in some hospital room, shaved head, needles sticking our of his arms.

Kuroo hadn't even ever seen him like that, but the image was still so alive in his mind, that he pulled Kenma closer.

How had it felt? Knowing he was possibly going to die? But then on the other hand, humans were constantly at risk to die.
Maybe in reality it hadn't even made a difference to Kenma.

Then why did it feel so real, so hurtful, even after it was all over?
Kuroo scanned Kenma's body, until he found the other staring back at him.

He forced himself to smile, then leaned back his head.
"I won't let anything happen to you again.", he made a silent promise to Kenma. "I'll stay with you. You're never going to have to be alone again."

"𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀" - 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻Where stories live. Discover now