"Page 18"

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🛸Song recommendation:
Medicine - Daughter

Again, Kuroo swore himself to stay with Kenma.
Wherever the other would go, Kuroo would follow.

No matter how much it'd hurt him.

Right now though, he felt warm and comfortable, his heart floating in the soft breeze of Kenma's breath.

The had stayed forver at the cherry tree, in the same position. Just holding each other and whispering words the rest of the world would never get to hear.

Maybe it was complicated between them sometimes. Kuroo was pretty sure he'd continue to be overprotective and clingy, making Kenma feel like he was missing out on things.

And that was probably even true, but being apart from Kenma was the only thing he'd ever regret in his life.

So they would stay together.

Kenma officially started playing volleyball for Nekoma, although he always said it was just for Kuroo.
But the corners of his mouth twitched during every game.

Kuroo knew it was because he was glad to finally be able to do things again. Things like physically activities, which cancer had taken away from him.

Every day Kuroo thanked the universe for not letting it take Kenma too.

Besides everyday life, Kuroo was also preparing for his final exams. In less than a month he was going to graduate.
And even though he didn't feel like celebrating, Kenma seemed so proud that Kuroo promised him to do his best.

After Kuroo would go off to college. He had already applied to a few and got accepted to one relatively near and with a good volleyball program.

Although they would miss each other, the distance was bearable and would be possible to manage.

Until then though they still had some time left.

Some days they just spend in bed, with limbs intertwined and soft backrubs.
Cooking together turned out to be a struggle, because Kenma kept forgetting the food while playing on his psp and Kuroo was freaking out over having to manage everything at the same time.

And others they went for walks, kissing under the cherry tree and chasing each other trough the woods.

And to use the time at school, Kuroo brought Kenma a poem every day.
They weren't always perfect but then again, what was?
He mostly described little moments of the past days, smiles and hands traveling over skin.

They were happy, but they both knew they had a lot of stuff to work trough.

The upcoming distance, the past breakup, Kenma's illness and depression.

"But we have been through so much together already, we're going to overcome this too.", Kuroo said to himself every day.
And by that he didn't just mean the past two years. He was also talking about the neighbour they ran away from, because they had stolen apples from him when they were kids, the horror movies, which still made Kuroo flinch sometimes and the many volleyball games they had cheered each other on for.

As long as they had each other's backs, they would be fine.

One night they were sitting by the window and watching the stars again.
The air was still warm and gently caressed their cheeks.



"Did you ever think about what would have been, if the roles were reversed?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you had gotten cancer instead of me. What would you have done?"

Kuroo hesitated for a moment, weighing his options.
"If I'm honest, I probably would have asked you to stay and suffer with me."

"Yeah, I thought that."

"And you?", Kuroo asked quietly."What would you have done if I was sick?"

Kenma stared at him for a moment, before turning away and slouched his shoulders.
"Of course I would have held your hand through everything. But if you had died, I don't think I would have been able to take it."

"What do you mean by that?", Kuroo whispered, his heart heavy.

Kenma just smiled slightly, though it seemed more sad than honest.
"I told you I would always wait for you at home, didn't I? No matter where home might be."

Kuroo tried to sort through his thoughts, to find some other interpretation of what Kenma had just said. But no matter how long he did, there was still only one.

He reached out for Kenma and pressed him up against his body, placing a kiss on top of his head. He could feel his own heart beating hard, clenching at just the though of what could have been.

Kuroo laid a hand on the back of Kenma's head and took a deep breath, closing his eyes to only concentrate on the feel of Kenma against him.
"Good thing we're already home.", he said.

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