Estelle's P.O.V
The conversation has went on for generations and it seems they have completely ignored my existence.
I guess it's a good point then, i'd rather not interfer with the plot and stay mute.
amongst my thoughts as if reading my mind, the emperor glanced my way, lowering his eyes a bit before speaking.
"seems like i have been to oblivious to my surroundings, how about you lady Castillo, any additions" his voice was smug as though he knew there was nothing nothing else to add on Aristia's proposal. Which i admit was flabbergasting as well .
but they were ignoring one thing.
Which is the the relationship between the moldren kingdom and the Lisa kingdom.
the moldren kingdom which was also involved in the lowkey war that managed to kill my father and brother.
could i just stand and and watch? or should i stand and fight?
Vita, you better be watching. Gathering up the last dust of courage i had in me -watching the main actors in action is overwhelming- I parted my lips and stated firmly
"the lady's suggestion is a great idea. If only seen internally"
"your majesty the moldren kingdom is lacking in manpower" i continued looking up at the three male figures at the top.
"why bring up the moldren kingdom in this matter young lady" is the emperor annoyed? i just brought up a random topic, is that what his thinking?
"well have you noticed the slight decrease in population in the castina empire? as an emperor who guides over his empire I'm sure you have but have you figured out why especially street children of whom had no background? The moldren kingdom has been secretly sending slaves from our empire"
" ! "
the room became stiff,
"Yes but, why bring up that matter?" duke Arknit had let curiosity get the best of him, urging to know why i brought up the moldren kingdoms conditions in a luxury tax system conserning Castina only.
"as you already know, unlike the other empires the moldren kingdoms is allowed to carry out slavery, since the moldren kingdom has no sufficient manpower they have decided to import them from our state"
"what exactly are you trying to get at?"
"a civil war is about to break out"
the people's expressions around me stiffened as if annoyed i have wasted their time.
"This is not mere child's play Castillo"
"Ofcourse it's not your majesty, after all who would believe such absurd words from an eleven year old. But nevertheless i will continue"
"as the moldren kingdoms population is expected to rise then they're willing to share profits with the Lisa kingdom and form alliances, they will gain the Castina empirer's citizens on their side by taking advantage of the riot expected when the famine will occur. and what do you believe will happen then after the riot?"
"so you are saying the rebellion and draught will act as baits to make us consider the tax policy which will prove as a chance to start a civil war against the empire?" duke Verita took quick grasp of the situation by sharing his point of view. i like this man.
"Exactly Duke Verita" i smiled at him
"but could this simply be done with no interior support?"
"No. Baron Alcott was Count back in the Moldren kingdom and got married to countess Maria from Lisa kingdom, since the Moldren kingdom takes heirs from the Alcott Count household, Baron Alcott together with Baroness Maria were meant to be emperor and empress.
But since their house fell drastically afterwards, the society said he was incompetent and couldn't ascend the throne, so duke Garfet's son took the crown. this action could only enrage the Baron who fled here in the Castina Empire .. Planning to gather force to prove his right to the throne after taking over the Castina empire"
" ! "
silence . The room became quite no one speaking a word after my statement.
the reason why Baron Alcott was abusing the child was to take her in as a slave, it all adds up with the fake paper and greed of authority he had. those long hours of research did pay off after all.
i smiled internally to myself feeling proud of my great achievement, the war didn't really prove efficient as Baron Alcott had only taken a small portion of the castina empire, but that small piece of land was home to a powerful knight, a knight i plan on taking in as my new escort.
in one sentence, I'm killing two birds with one stone.
the room was filled with the emperor's loud laugh and was later joined by duke Verita's and duke Arknit's low laughs.
what's so funny?
"Well the lady sure is something archduke! my my, impressed would be an understatement i'm stunned by the lady's bright mind!" the emperor trailed with yet again another laugh, but not as loud as the first time
I glanced at father who was holding a proud look on his face. i just saved the archduke and Eldred! finally i can execute my next plan! everything is going well so far and i want it to stay that way, if I'm careful I might change my fate as well.
"I would have been very happy, but..."
I heard a long sigh. His Majesty, who was silent for a moment, said, "Oh, don't think I didn't notice it, but why didn't you say full names? "
"I apologize, Your Majesty. I'd like to introduce myself even now. Aristia Pioneer La Monique is honored to greet the Sun of Empire, Your Majesty. "
"I also apologize, Your majesty. Estelle Aida Vaste Castillo is pleased to greet the Sun of Empire, Your Majesty."
"You know that's not what I mean, right?" he stretched the mean before lowering his gaze.

[DISCONTINUED] I was reincarnated in The Abandoned Empress as a minor character
FanfictionEstelle Vaste Castillo, the sole daughter of the Archduke Castillo. A minor character in the abandoned empress. Minor characters are meant to show just how strong the main characters are, striving to gain her family's affection and save them...