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Again another day passed peacefully!

or not

"My lady we have received a letter from the imperial palace"


"then prepare a carriage"

"but you haven't read the letter"

"i know Lila"


the hallways were the same as the time of the Audience, bustling with busy servants and maids all around the place

"Lady Estelle Vaste Aida Castillo has arrived!"

I really felt pitiful for the knight who had to repeat that long name loud enough for the emperor to know.

The doors opened to view the emperor's throne which I would've wished was empty,

"Blessings upon the Emperor sole sun of the Empire,"

"Lady Castillo, what a pleasing sight. I am happy to see that you're doing well despite your father's departure,"

"It's thanks to the emperor's consideration that I am still standing on my two feet,"

And having migraines,

"My, then I shall do so in the future as well. I will send a knight at your place to ensure your safety"

What! No!!

"I do not wish to bother the emperor with my problems, and there's already a knight left by father so I'll be alright,"

The emperor grabbed his chin thinking for a moment,

"hmm, weren't all nights supposed to participate"


"did he perhaps disobey my command?"

"No!", then I stood quite, "..."


"I will accept your kind proposal, your majesty"

"very well, then-"

"His highness the crown prince has arrived!"

Oh what now?

"Oh! Ruvellis, great timing, will you escort the lady back to her estate,"


The ride was comfortable and I could feel a sense of warmth from the cute atmosphere, watching birds chirp happily in the air,

As if!

The ride was bumpy and cold, instead of seeing birds I could only see the crown prince's glare and unlucky me. we have a long way to go.

Then a voice rang out, "...I'm sorry" then my whole world crushed into pieces,

"last time at the lake" he continued, fake coughing at the end,

"...I see", i looked away to the window,

someone save me...

"we have arrived!"

"hm? oh right! thank you for escorting me"

But I'd rather you don't in the future, your highness,

He went without a word, good for me.


"Estelle someone is here to see you"

sir Marcus had been on charge this afternoon, switching shifts with Feriss,

"who? especially with such short notice"

"I'm afraid I do not know,"

I thought it'd be Carsein since he usually does that when he comes to spar with Enrad, but unfortunately, it's not him since Marcus would tell,

"where to?"

"The drawing room,"

As i took steps towards the drawing room, I could feel my heart beating faster, I wasn't particularly scared or anxious,

But it was something I never felt, 

Not even when I died.

Upon opening the door, my face was embraced by the bright light that lightened the room,  at the center I could see a figure,

A woman with straight brown hair and bright green eyes,

"I am Lady Anneliss Augustus, pleased to make your acquaintance Lady Castillo,"

The lady spat those words making them the most elegant I've ever heard, the woman i believe was beyond her coming-of-age, was bowing lightly, her hair falling gracefully on her waist, yet again wearing a dark blue ribbon on her dress.


" ! "

sir Marcus hesitated but nonetheless left

"I presume you already know my name"

"That is correct"

She raised her head elegantly like she has been practicing it her whole life, her smile never leaving her features as she did so.

"Then let's discuss on a cup of tea,"

"Oh my! why are you acting so mature?"


um, where did all the elegance fly to suddenly?

She threw her shoes on the other end of the room, sitting in the couch with one leg over the other,

"Don't you have some beer? I wanna get high!"


what the?

"Aren't you going to sit down?"

I took a seat in a one person couch near and locked eyes with her,

Is she really a noble?

"tsk! of-course i am!"

wait did she read my mind?!

"No. your expressions are too easy to read"



oh god

"oh! s-sorry y-you a-ar-re t-too f-funny!"

"Well I shall prepare some tea"

I called out for Lila who then came with tea and sweets, bowing as she left, Yes Anneliss had put her shoe on and threw them as quickly as Lila left.

"Then what tea would you like?"

"beer please"



"Chamomile it is,"

I poured the tea and left the cup at the table facing her,

"Then what was the reason for your sudden visit Lady Augustus,"

"What's with the formalities? Just call me Ana"

"...yes. And the reason?"

she smiled brightly as she looked at me, 

"I need your help"

I paused the cup on my lap, looking at her with weary eyes

"And what do you want me to help you with?"

she smiled sweetly, "I want to marry your brother,"

the cup I was holding,


Fell face to face with the ground,



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[DISCONTINUED] I was reincarnated in The Abandoned Empress as a minor characterWhere stories live. Discover now