Chapter 4

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"Ms. Goldbloom," Vice President Vitowski stopped her as she exited the amphitheater. "I know you may want to join the rest of the student body for the opening feast. I would prefer, though, if you joined me in my office. If you're hungry I shall I an elf bring up a tray. We should find a solution as quickly as possible."

"I appreciate that thank you, Vice President," Victoria said stiffly, still reeling. So instead of moving farther into the campus, into the mess hall, she went backward, back into the Thomas Mulberry Administrative Hall. Vice President Vitowski led her to an elevator. The elevator had two doors, a gilded scissors door, and an elegantly carved wood elevator door. The interior of the elevator had dark wood wainscoting with mirrors on the top wainscoting, and metal handles of the same gilded metal as the scissors door.

The elevator brought them to the top fourth floor of the hall. The entire fourth floor, as far as Victoria could see, was a library-looking place with doors leading to different offices. They went all the way to the front of the hall, where there were two office doors, labeled 'President' and 'Vice President'. Of course, the Vice President opened the door to her office.

The office was gorgeous. It had the same dark wood wainscoting as the elevator and the rest of the fourth floor. Built into the paneled walls were shelves and shelves, which included magic and nonmagic items, as well as books. Straight ahead to the door was a table with several office chairs around it. To the left of that table, farther into the room, was a gorgeous dark wood desk that matched the walls, with carvings of leaves and flowers surrounding the top lip.

On one wall was a fireplace large enough to be a floo, which Victoria could only assume was its purpose. Between the table and the office, in front of the fireplace, was a set of two chairs and a couch.

"Are you hungry?" She asked Victoria as she waved her hand as an invitation to sit on the leather couches in front of the fireplace.

"Maybe a bit," Victoria admitted.

"Teemy," VP Cassandra called out. A small house elf wearing a small but clean shirt appeared. Victoria thought of Hermione Weasley and how happy she would be these elves are free.

"Yes, Mistress Cassandra?"

"Can you please get our student here a tray of food from the feast? Unfortunately, she couldn't join her classmates."

"Of course Mistress. Ma'am," Teemy bowed to Vitowski then Victoria before she disappeared.

Vitowski crossed her ankles gracefully and smiled at the shy student.

"So here-" Teemy reappeared with a tray and a wood tray table that slid under the couch. "Thank you, Teemy, that was fast. Enjoy your dinner."

"Thank you, Mistress," Teemy bowed once more and disappeared. Victoria stabbed a soft carrot as the Vice President began to speak again.

"So here are two of the biggest problems. The first is that we do not have contingency plans as Ilvermorny does. You see Ilvermorny has had this happen before. But their sorting magic allows the student to choose the house if no house chooses them. Our magic does not have that contingency. Like Hogwarts, this has never happened before. We could let you choose a house anyways but there are problems with that.

"You see, unlike Hogwarts, we do not have passwords or riddles to get into our dorms. The magic simply will not allow non-house-members into a dorm that is not their own. We could always try to see if the school will allow you to choose and allow you into a dorm. But-"

The door knocked then opened without waiting for a response. A middle-aged man with dirt on his robes walked in.

"Ahh, this is Professor Christopher Walters, head of the Dragon house and professor of Magical Creatures. Professor, this is Ms. Victoria Goldbloom."

"Hello," he nodded towards Victoria then brought his attention quickly back to the Vice President. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but there is something I must speak with you about."

"Can it wait until Ms. Goldbloom and I-"

"Again I am sorry to interrupt but it seems to have to do with Ms. Goldbloom's situation."

"In that case, please, sit." Vice President motions elegantly to the spare seat. Professor Walters did so and began to speak.

"I skipped the Welcome Feast to feed the hippogriffs and then take a walk around campus. I was in the woods between the art center and quidditch pitch. You know the area where the Snallygaster recently decided to settle down?"

"Yes, that area. Get on with it," Vitowski said impatiently.

"Yes right well a building just sorta... appeared... there."

"A building? Appeared?"

"Yes. So I went inside to investigate. Ms. Goldbloom here, her things were there. There was a letter on the kitchen counter with her name on it."

"And do you have that letter?"

"Yes of course. Right. Here."

He tried to hand it to the Vice President, who silently motions for Victoria to take it. Victoria silently did so with a furrowed brow.

Dear Ms. Houseless,

The gem of the migrant

Will shine against the torment

The power of the houseless

Will gift hope to the hopeless

The one who has chosen herself

Will rise on the twelfth


Cedonia Savoir Mulberry

"Who is Cedonia Savoir Mulberry?"

"What?" Both seemed completely stunned by the question.


"Yes yes we heard you we just were not expecting... where does it say that?" The Vice President asked. Victoria simply handed her the letter. She read it then handed it to Professor Walters to read.

"Cedonia Savoir Mulberry was a French seer who married Matthew Mulberry. They married in 1970," Madam Vice President said as Professor Walters read.

"Well, that wasn't long ago at all. She could still be alive. We should just ask-" She stopped when both adults were shaking their heads.

"She died in childbirth in 1973," Walters said.


"So we're just going to have to figure this out ourselves," Madam Vice President said with grim certainty.

"Professor, did you say the building appeared with all of my things in it?"


"Hogwarts has similar magic. Hogwarts also has such strong magic that sometimes has a mind of its own, such as creating entire rooms or floors out of thin air. Perhaps Wolfmount has similar magic. Perhaps it did instead for both the sorting and the building to happen for a purpose."

"And what'd that purpose be?"

"I don't know."

"I don't either but maybe she has a point. Maybe she should at least go to the building."

The three agreed and left Thomas Mulberry Hall.

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