Langa x Reki

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Panting heavily Langa laid sprawled out on the blanket as the heat of the beach was getting to him, Reki by his side continuously fanning him and feeding him ice cream to try and cool him down

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Panting heavily Langa laid sprawled out on the blanket as the heat of the beach was getting to him, Reki by his side continuously fanning him and feeding him ice cream to try and cool him down. "Have you tried going into the water? It's cold you know, and I highly doubt you would be over-heating at the moment bud." Reki huffed as he spoon fed Langa another thing of ice cream, a soft hum leaving his lips as the sweet treat melted in his mouth.

"Isn't there a rule where you can't go into the water 30 to 45 minutes after you eat?" Langa asked looking up at Reki as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Reki just stared at his blankly.

"Uh no?"

"Yes there is I read somewhere that if you go into a pool or a beach right after you eat you'll get like severe stomach cramps and then someone will pull you down into the water and you'll drown."

"Langa-" Reki spoke

"Yes, Reki?" Langa replied

"That isn't going to happen, I promise you." He turned his head as he did his best to hide his snickers and chuckles.

"Yes it will! Here I'll ask Joe- Hey Joe!" Langa called out for the elder as he clasps his hands around his mouth. The male turning his attention away from the ladies he was trying to seduce. "Come here for a moment please?" He asked as Joe then groaned like a child before gently taking ahold of the females hands and placing a kiss right on top of it. "See you later~" he winked as the female squealed and bit her lip. "They're like dogs in heat I swear.." muttered a voice as he fanned himself readjusting his body to get comfortable.

"What's up Kiddo?" Joe asked pushing his hair back and flexing his muscles at the nearby girls who happened to pass. "Reki thinks that I am wrong on this. If you go into a pool or a thing of water right after you eat. Will or will not a monster come out and drag you underwater while your rendered helpless by your stomach cramp and proceed to drown you?" He said as fear delicately creeped up in his voice.

Standing there blankly Joe looked back and forth between the red head and the blue headed boys. "Y-You-" he began to spike and sighed. "You called me over here. Away from some hot babes, to ask if there's a mysterious monster that will drag you underwater to drown you because you didn't follow the 30 minute rule?" He asked rubbing his face as he turned around to see one of his señorita's all up on another guy, a soft pout leaving his lips. "You know what. What do you think? Believe what you wanna believe kid. Let- let your imagination run wild-" he huffed as Langa turned to Reki. "I told you!" He poked at his shoulder. "Langa sweetie listen-" he stopped himself as his cheeks go a bright red at the nickname.

"Did you just call Langa 'sweetie'?" Miya turned around slowly with a face of disgust as he gripped his Nintendo (BITCH) switch to his chest scooting away from the two. "I-I uhhhh" he spoke as Langa was redirecting his attention to the sand in front of him, now all of a sudden super interested in that. "W-Well i obviously didn't mean it like that. Pfttt come on guys you know how I meant it, it wasn't anything that was supposed to be romantic because me and Langa are just friends right? Yep. Best buds forever. He's my best best friend and I could ask for anyone better." He nervously chuckled as he grabbed on to Langa's shoulder wrapping one arm around him.

Looking up brightly Langa huffed wrapping his arms around Reki as well. "Do it again!" He said confidently as Reki began stumbling and Miya groaned and scampered away to Cherry sitting beside his chair. "Mommy Reki and Langa are being Gay again-" he whined with a smirk as Cherry scoffed. "I am NOT your mama boy!" He huffed and gently smacked Miya upside the head with his fan as he went on reading his book. Snickering Miya continued to his game occasionally looking up at Reki and Langa.

"Y-You want me to what!" Reki stuttered as he leaned his face on Langa's shoulder looking away. "Do it again." He beamed proudly. "I like it!" He grinned as Reki muttered quietly.

"swmfmfn" he murmured.

"What was that?" Langa asked turning to look at the red head trying to hide.
"I said! swemnfmnn" he huffed as Langa turned to face him. "No no like this-" Langa spoke as he gently grabbed Reki's hand and intertwined their fingers. "How are you sweetie?" He spoke his voice almost like honey to Reki's ears, his cheeks igniting in a bright red. A small drop fell on to his upper lip as Langa began to freak out. "Reki your bleeding! Hey guys Reki has a bloody nose! We'll be back!" He called out to Cherry who looked up a bit worried and then waved them off as a confirmation.

Langa grabbed his arm and pulled him to the nearest bathroom taking some paper towels and giving it to Reki who was over the sink. "If I knew you were going to react like that.." Langa spoke quietly as he helped wipe the blood off his face and chest. "Then I would've done something else.." he murmured as Reki squeaked. "W-What someth-thing else?" He nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Kiss you.." he responded As Reki stopped all his movements blushing even harder, though it could just be the heat but he highly doubts that.

"then do it." He whispered turning away, unable to look at Langa.

"Really?!" He asked and wrapped his arms excitedly around his waist. "I can?" He confirmed again as Reki laughed and nodded. "Yeah you ca-" he began to spoke as Langa gently moved his fingers to grab Reki's chin. Tilting his head he leaned down and pressed a small yet sweet kiss to Reki's lips who thankfully returned the favor.

Pulling away after a few seconds the two boys burst out laughing as Reki continues to lean over the sink, forgetting about his bloody nose. "Man to think that this lead up to you talking about a sea monster who would drag you down and drown you if you went into the water before the 30 minutes rule!" He laughed as Langa stopped and looked at him seriously.
"There is a monster-" he spoke as Reki looked puzzled.


His first kiss was with his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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